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De Vany on Econtalk

When it comes to dieting, De Vany got part of the picture right although he is describing is a diet suitable for blood type O. This blood type is the oldest type, therefore has hunter gatherer roots. The fact that you guys talked about sports for half an hour before covering this topic is no coincidence because O is the only blood type who is into competitive sports (the others have no interest in it, whatsoever). De Vany talks about milk; again, “Type O” cannot digest milk, they have problem dairy products. But other types AB, B have no problem digesting dairy.

De Vany is on the right ‘track’ in so many ways, he just misses the final and crucial point somehow. When hunter gatherers settled down and started organized farming, yes this was different and in many ways, unsuitable for type O. However, this is when evolution shifted gears, and some O’s evolved into type A. Type A is the ‘farmer’ blood type and naturally, they have no problems eating grains.

But I benefited from this talk, especially the parts on insulin, heart having to be at irregular rythm forth, only the dieting part needs a little work. For more details on Blood Type Diet, you can search Peter D’Adamo on the Web.