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Rand Paul


Republican U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul said [..] he wants to replace the income tax with a 23 percent sales tax on goods and services. [..] he told reporters he’d also like to see the U.S. Department of Education eliminated.

Good idea

Rand Paul scored a big win for the Tea Party movement. BTW: I saw someone from the movement being “skewered” on BBC Hard Talk using the arguments above. They make perfect sense to me. The Tea Party has a strong liberterian streak and on these issues is 100% compatible with TW.

Also; the same gentleman made another important point. No one is in charge of the Tea Party, it organizes itself around certain ideas. This also means, Sarah Palin is not “the” leader of the Tea Party.

I am sure people from neocon wing of Reps are dying to hijack the movement and direct it toward their needs. But if they think they can turn these people into interventionist blood-hungry war-mongerer vampires like themselves, they are sadly, sadly mistaken. I have friends in that movement, and they would rather jump off a bridge before they give an inch on interventionism to neocons.

Note: Rand Paul is the son of Ron Paul who predicted the subprime crisis based on unnecessary government interventionism.

Note: Why get rid of income tax? Because big business, special interests have inserted clauses over the years into the code turning it into the monster we have today. Current code is heavily tilted towards big business, big oil. “Doing your taxes” should not have become a “specialized” profession. It’s time to simplify.