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After Mubarak

At the end, Mubarak was not able to continue his little game any longer. Previously the military had announced to people that their demands would be fullfilled completely (they went street by street for this), but Mubarak made an half-assed announcement , thereby giving US, and the military a black eye. He made him look like a fool – so the military with some help from US eased Mubarak out of power. Just in good time, because the mood on the streets in Cairo was changing for the worse. If Mubarak did not step down asap, people were ready to take on anyone, including the military.

So the Egyptian state apparatus, the farce, illegitimate and non-functioning piece of work that it is, became VERY scared. It went into survival mode, and started picking up the pieces.

This will be start of a long reformation of the Egyptian state from bottom up. The regime was synonymous with Mubarak, with his leave, we can guess a spring of change is afoot.

This is all good stuff. I congratulate the Egyptian people, and point to one more sign that the Third Wave has arrived. Just like SMS technology helped topple a leader in Spain, Facebook, Twitter, chat, cell phones, sat dishes helped to topple another one in Middle East. This is a new age.