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General Zod

I read somewhere new Superman movie will have General Zod as its villain. Good choice – the movie will have better change to be on code. Western world cultural tug-of-war is between Rome and Jesus, militarism and piece; in this lens General Zod will represent the militarism side of the equation and that frees up Sman to be Jesus.

Also some suggestions.. In movies they always make S look like a damn brick flying around. Give the man little flexibility. Have him use some intellect, some ingenuity. In the comics I’ve read that big-ass cape can stretch, have him use it to cover something. An explosion? A planet? We (the people) also want a big action sequence where S is kicking ass, in multiple directions, with everything available. Have him build something on the fly, and again, bust a cap. Be creative. Let’s not forget the character is (now) a metaphor for the postmodern human, hearing stuff at long distances (telephone), strength (mechanical tools), speed (trains), flight (planes). If we humans can combine these tools in creative ways, than the equivalent uber-person should be able to do the same.

Someone apparently profiled the character using MBTI, and S comes out to be an SJ, a Guardian. Protector, provider, etc. This type’s primary focus is logistics, rather than strategy or tactics. A real-life persona, George Washingon was an SJ, during US war of independence, he tried to conserve his resources, not take many risks, naturally– but he was also creative enough to turn the war to be in his own terms, and effectively fight a guerilla campaign against the British forces. So logistical mind doesn’t automatically imply someone is a dumb-ass.

Good luck.