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China In The Plex

I am catching up with my writing after a short break since I am in a tropical island that sometimes loses its Internet connection (whazzzup! -high pitched voice-). In The Plex has a very detailed account on how Chinese government broke into Google’s computers and stole some of their proprietry internal software.

What the Chinese have done is perfectly on code. The culture code Chinese assign themselves is RECIPROCITY, meaning that do unto others as they do unto you. And, combined with some weird interpretation of their own history, this is the result, plain and simple. The Chinese view of history is that they developed an advanced civilization, made great strides in science and technology, and Westerners stole everything from them. And now due to RECIPROCITY, they are only paying the Westerners in kind. They stole things from us, we steal it right back from them.

There are also few additional factors, e.g. a Chinese student learns from his master / teacher, by copying. This is a sign of respect, but, the major factor is the code outlined above. Clotaire Rapaille who came up with this code goes as far as saying that it is not unfathomable that one day the Chinese government nationalize all foreign assets in China, and kick all foreign companies out – he recommends a “short term strategy” in China for these companies.

Note: He made a similar prediction for Venezuella pre-Chavez which turned out to be correct.