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Jeff Bezos and Nuclear Fusion

Fast Company article

You read that correctly–Bezos is betting on nuclear fusion, the holy grail of nuclear nerds everywhere. Today’s nuclear plants generate power from fission, a process that splits atoms to release energy as heat.[..] The amount of hydrogen isotopes found in one liter of water could generate the power of 1,000 liters of gasoline. Some of the hydrogen isotopes for the process can be found in seawater, and others can be found in lithium. This means that nuclear fusion should be able to provide virtually unlimited amounts of clean energy. [..] There is also no risk of meltdown or production of long-lived nuclear waste. In other words, there will never be a nuclear fusion Fukushima disaster.

In the past, no one has been able to create a controlled fusion reaction that creates more energy than was used to start it. So General Fusion certainly sounds a little crazy in saying that it can. But the company is confident, claiming that it will have a full-scale proof-of-concept fusion generator within four years.