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Osama bin Laden Dead

Great news. As we wrote before in Bloodshed and the Roman Empire [..] According to Bernard Lewis’ What Went Wrong? Bin Laden talks about a saddening point in time in history and mentions the year 1918. Most people in the world do not know the significance that year, but people in Asia Minor know it very well. It is a great day (in my view) because it’s the time when the Ottoman Empire finally collapsed. Sadly what came in its place wasnt that great either, but I am just glad that the old archaic structure finally disappeared. Now what do we have here? Rome Version 3.0, which represents another authrotic, despotic marriage between centralized religion and state, this structure collapses and Bin Laden is SAD ABOUT THAT. This is the same Bin Laden who is responsible for thousands of deaths in 9/11.

Nuf said.