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Obama suggests Bin Laden probably received support from the Pakistani government, or elements within it, to be able to reside at the compound where he was ultimately found. I agree. If he had explicit Pak support, he would be useful as a bargaining chip to be traded in later for some kind of US favor. If not, hell, during the war against Soviets, Taliban received support from ISI, and Paks for many years. During that time Taliban fighters’ families lived in Pakistan and the mujaheddin used to come to visit them for holidays. There are a lot of old connections there, it would not be surprising if some remaining elements from that era helping Bin Laden.

Is it a good idea to hit Paks on the head on this issue? Yes. Ruffling some feathers, shaking things up little is a good idea, it might help Paks to take more responsibility and start putting their house in order.