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Was Dubya SJ or SP?

Dubya was a Republican, so it’d be reasonable to think he was an SJ, a Guardian. Slate did an article on Dubya a while back though, and they, along with argued W was an ESTP. When you read the description for the type, it makes sense. What I remember on the man certainly fits the description. For example: During White House years W overhears his advisers talking about this or that WH policy, and how a lot of people are vehemently against it. W hears this and goes “well we must be doing something right”. That is rebellious streak right there (which does not indicate someone being right, of course), and this kind of behaviour rules out Guardians, is more in line with SPs. Dubya was also an alcholic before age 40, and again that kind of “pleasure seeking” mentality does not fit SJs.

Other ESTP traits are equally valid, a talent for sales etc. Dubya says in a bio that owning a baseball team made him realize how important sales was, and looking at his presidency, you might argue it was one giant sales pitch with the Iraq War as one of its highlights. W was no visionary, but he sold the s..t out of that war, that much is certain.

ESTPs also have a distaste in intellectual matters which clearly fit the man’s psychological profile to a T.