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We mentioned the movie The Social Network was mostly right on the events surrounding Facebook. However, it seems TBS got Zuckerberg’s typing wrong. In the movie Zuckerberg is pictured as somewhat robotic, who parses language to death, anal about definitions, etc., implying an NT.

There are two issues here: One, Holywood has problems portraying NT characters to begin with. Due to NT’s strategic, scientific preference, they are usually presented as mad scientists bent on world domination on the big screen. This is clearly a disservice to these people, among which, INTJs for one, do have a “soft side” (as do others); the “T” can be tough with people, but there are other elements in the character that softens the shell.

Zuckerberg’s type is completely wrong as well; he is an NF, an Idealist, not an NT. A few sentences uttered by the man that are part of the public record would have cleared this up instantly. Pay attention also to what Facebook does: it connects people. NFs tend to be collaborative in reaching goals and I’d say a social network qualifies as a pretty good collaborative tool.