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[ Jan 25, 2011] U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also said that the United States believed that the government of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, in power for three decades, was stable [..]

Stable my ass

This comment also pissed off Baradai at the time, and he lamented in an interview to Newsweek if I remember correctly. Look here is the problem, a sec state’s coworkers are other government officials as well as his / her own. You develop relations with them, and want to keep working with them. That’s natural. But this is not revolutionary material, not by a long shot. Plus, US governments foreign policy has always been an extension of its trade policy. Put all these together, while State Department looks less aggressive compared to some other US agencies and departments, it still is responsible for furthering US agenda abroad, however that agenda is defined by a central, concentrated government. Period. We need to remember what ex sec state Colin Powell told a French official before the Iraq War: “I am not who you think I am”.

That actually could’ve been the title of this post.