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P or J

A rule-of-thumb for making quick inferences with MBTI. The ‘P’ as in ENFP, INTP has to do with exploring possibilities, P representing a person who is somewhat laid back, leaving major decisions to later, etc. J’s are the schedulers, the finishers, project-driven, goal-oriented people.

The major MBTI types are SJ, SP, NF, NT. The SJ’s, Guardians, have a J in there, which means there are no ‘exploring all possibilities’ type ‘laid back’ kind of Guardians. All Guardians will be a tad anal, be schedule driven, and / or a tight-ass. There is a P in SP, which means no Artisan is completely schedule-driven, finish-the-job kind of person, they’ll want to explore their possibilities.

How do we use this? If we can tell if someone if P or J (most profilers can do that easily), that one attribute can be used to leave out one major category.

Same goes for T or F. NTs have a T, NFs have an F in there; so if someone is a thinking type indicating a T, there is no way person can be an Idealist. Reverse is true for Rationals.