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One More Thing

.. Govenment of Turkey needs to start playing nice with Iraqi Government PRONTO. Noone can expect all of zero-problems policy to remain the same in a post Arab Spring Middle East, but each day it is starting to look more like GoT started confusing taking sides prematurely with being decisive. Last thing Middle East needs right now is a secterian divide that includes one more country.

Each leader looks at another neighbouring government through this simple lens: “is it making my life easier or harder?” GoT has not done its best to give that impression to Maliki. Former VP Hashimi escaping to Turkey has not helped. He should have been sent / gone to some marginal country, like Qatar or .. whereever. I can give this whole rant here right now about how Turkish policy (or the absence thereof) got to this point, but I will not, for now.

Simple guiding principle is this: respect and help the majority rule in your neighbors (obviously while respecting, protecting minorities). If Syria’s resistance needs to be supported bcz they are the opressed unheard majority, Iraq’s majority needs to be supported for the same reason. Surely, central everything will degenarate and collapse at some point, but between here and there, let’s not start unnecessary bullshit disagreements, shall we?