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Layers of Shit

Previous link shared talks about QEP - Quantitative Easing for the People. We talked about this idea before, Milton Friedman (that bloodsucking neoliberal vampire!) floated this idea in his day; it is both “social”, and at the same time allows free-market to operate. QEP fits in 3rd Wave mentality, money does not go to “concentrated” institutions but goes to “distributed” actors in the system – the people.

In a way it is quite shocking ideas such as QEP take such a long time to come to foregroud, ppl in the system are still trying to fix new problems using old tools. There is something to be said for the incremental approach of course – if our problems were of an incremental in nature. They are not, unfortunately, not anymore. We are experiencing problems that are of system-shattering kind.

That does not stop ppl from trying of course. And, as a result of this incremental approach, the system also ends up tying itself in knots. You get “layers of shit” making things more fragile. Just look at the Obamacare debacle; it is a mishmash of regulatory controls, and controversial legislation that forces people to have insurance coverage. Supreme Court decided that forcing people to have insurance could be seen as tax (actually what really happened was that a Bush appointee Roberts simply did not want to be one deciding the faith of the black man turning the SC into an arbiter in a presidential race -again-). It was a clusterf..k of the highest order. Well, geniuses: You need to take money from people for this and that (and channel it to whereever the f..k you choose)? There is already a mechanism for that. It is called TAXES. Money can be given to citizens for specific purposes without forcing anyone. With very light regulation, there can be a affordable health-care system that won’t cause a balooning deficit.