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The New Star Wars

Fortunately SW franchise is taken away from Lucas and given to some other director to play with. But when I heard this someone else is JJ Abrahams I thought to myself “oh no I hope he makes it more like the new Trek not like Lost”. Because Lost is representative of a certain kind of mindset in scifi. In this “school of thought” directors can just randomly pull shit out of their ass with no regard of how it connects, and they do this for many seasons, leaving it to the last season for things somehow to come together. And some eat this all up as scifi drama, this random kind of directing / creation that resembles more farting than art.

Seriously. If Star Trek TNG was filmed this way, this is how it would be like:

First off, everyone in the show would be “shady” in some level. They would have split personalities, and sometimes this split would be three ways. Like when Picard says “engage” you’d have no idea which Picard says it, and what he means by it. That moment would be then really mysterious because you just dont know. It’s like.. did he mean “a gauge”?… Or “a grange”? Like wow… So confused. Mind. Blown.

Of course, there is always the flashback, flashforward, or flashsideways.. flashwhereever. The flash___ takes you most certainly to an island (this trick is very popular among TV scifi crowd these days, the need to flash), and of course in that island, everyone is confused and they ran around like chicken.

Sometimes they ran into eachother too, and this event all by itself is very mysterious. Like, for example, in one such flashupward, Picard is in the island, his face is all muddied up, clothes torn off, and he runs into his first officer, Ryker. The interaction goes something like this:

R: Captain? Is that you? What are you doing here?

P: I am just running around Wil. What are you doing?

R: I just saw others. Do you have any orders for me?

P: I have only a single order. Number One: I order you take a number two.

R: Number Two? I am 1. So, 2-1-1-2-2-1-1-1-2-2. Is that a code?

P: It could be. You see that hut over there? Go there and enter this code every Friday the second week of each month, at 12:00 to stop an explosion.

R: Why this code? An explosion?

P: Because it’s so much more mysterious that way. Like, you just dont know. And you wont know for a very long time.

R: Aye aye Sir [starts to walk away]

P: Wil. I have one more order for you. While you take a number two, try not to pass any gas. Can you do that?

R: Is that even possible?

P: I dont know, but I want you to try it.

R: I will do my best Sir. Now I ask to be relieved.. or relieve myself.

P: What was that?

R: I am mystified.

This is the crux of Lost style scifi writing. I hope the new SW does it better.