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Morsi and his party received __ percent of the vote, so ..


First of all, one of the main reasons Muslim Brother (MB) had a role, as visible as it had even before Tahrir 1, was because Mubarak allowed it.

Mubarak basically put all other credible opposition in jail. But, he partially allowed MB to be out there, be part of the political process, be visible (very important), that way he could point to them when Westerns visited and say “look you may not like me, fine, but just know that my alternative is these bearded fanatics right there”. And these naive (usually the best and the brightest of US congresspeople) take a look and go like: “I see bearded people!”. WE ARE WITH YOU MUBARAK.

This was the political make-up Egypt found itself with right after Tahrir 1.

So there isn’t much point to play with percentages in the case of Egypt. The real numbers, percentages came out on the street in the millions for Tahrir 2, letting their protest known.