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Following the most recent trend, the movie Elysium portrays Earth as a dump which anyone with their right mind already left, long ago. The movie sadly does not “click” with the audience, and I believe it’s idiotic writing is at fault. There are some gaping holes in there, the kind you can fit a person in, bigger than even a scifi backdrop can allow. Here is one (maybe the worst): There are veeery, veeery advanced robots who can effectively act as soldiers, but then, Matt Damon’s character (our hero) is working on the assembly line building those robots? Huh? Aren’t there any robots who can be assembly line workers?

But no, the movie had to make the hero “working class”, so he could suffer an accident “at the factory” and Elysium residents as rich, arrogant types (with healthcare), that’s why the sci part of scifi had to be thrown out the window. Doesn’t anyone with an ounce of brain knows that there will be no assembly line workers in the future?

Plus, if there is a “med bed” techology (some near-magical tech that cures you no matter what), everyone would have access to that technology. Why shouldn’t they? What does it run on? Gold dust?

Who churns out this shit thinking it’s scifi?