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Apples and Oranges

[Some ppl] often make the following comparison to prove the excessive power of multinational corporations: “In Nigeria, a relatively economically strong country, the GDP [gross domestic product] is $99 billion. The net worth of Exxon is $119 billion. “When multiationals have a net worth higher than the GDP of the country in which they operate, what kind of power relationship are we talking about?” [..]

It becomes evident after unpacking the meaning of GDP. A GDP of $99 billion is shorthand for a monetary flow of $99 billion per year. A year, which is the time for the earth to travel around the sun, is an astronomical phenomenon that has been arbitrarily chosen for measuring a social phenomenon—namely, monetary flow.

Suppose instead that economists had chosen the decade as the unit of time for measuring GDP. Then Nigeria’s GDP (assuming the flow remains steady from year to year) would be roughly $1 trillion per decade and be reported as $1 trillion. Now Nigeria towers over Exxon, whose puny assets are a mere one-tenth of Nigeria’s GDP. To deduce the opposite conclusion, suppose the week were the unit of time for measuring GDP. Nigeria’s GDP becomes $2 billion per week, reported as $2 billion. Now puny Nigeria stands helpless before the mighty Exxon, 50-fold larger than Nigeria.

A valid economic argument cannot reach a conclusion that depends on the astronomical phenomenon chosen to measure time. The mistake lies in comparing incomparable quantities. Net worth is an amount: It has dimensions of money and is typically measured in units of dollars. GDP, however, is a flow or rate: It has dimensions of money per time and typical units of dollars per year. (A dimension is general and independent of the system of measurement, whereas the unit is how that dimension is measured in a particular system.) Comparing net worth to GDP compares a monetary amount to a monetary flow. Because their dimensions differ, the comparison is a category mistake and is therefore guaranteed to generate nonsense.