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Week 48

Ah, the LPG pungent smell is added, by cylinder-filler companies so gas leaks become easier to detect. Otherwise LPG is odorless.

Q: If ammonia or regular temparature liquid H2 was not deployed, how easy is it for cars to use H2 tanks (for pressurized containment)?

A: Easy

This is one of the few times when being from a developing world helped me… I’ve seen many taxi drivers in Turkland who had their fuel tank replaced with LPG tank. It looks like a frickin kitchen gas cylinder in the trunk. In fact, at 1st I though dude just had his kitchen gas cylinder installed in there. But it turns out the op was more pro, there is an entire cottage industry around this; u go to a guy, he replaces the fossil fuel mechanism of the car with LNG based one, there are companies selling the full LNG tank for cars, etc.

If u can do that, H2 is e-z.

Many taxi drivers did this because oil was too expensive, the economics of LNG somehow worked out. Note: they say natgas is one of the clean fossil fuel options out there, and on paper that’s true. But the fumes create a burning sensation in the nostrils which is unpleasant. With H2 there is no smell. Plus drinking water comes out of the exhaust.


It’s official: No one under the age of 32 has ever experienced a cooler-than-average month on this planet - because Earth has been warmer than average for 406 months in a row.

A: Sad

Q: If the world switches from natgas to something else what happens to existing infrastructure?

A: They are screwed. But I hear Russians started researching natgas-clean hydrogen conversion through a green process. So RU has a flame lit under its ass, that is good.

On the consumer end, you can pipe H2 through the same natgas infrastructure, for homes, transportation. So there might be chance for the existing infrastructure, it could be used for H2.

Q: Why did you switch from Blogger to Github?

A: I work through mobile more and like using command-line (typing!) based tools and text files. I now write blog posts in markdown (human readable simple text files), and “check them in” to a version control system. Github handles the latter part, and the process is simple. They also started offering simple formatting for the simple files they house for you, so it’s a natural fit for blogging. I don’t need to point-and-click. It gets in the way actually.

Q: Why did Al Gore lose?

A: I talked abt Dubya’s Hail-Mary game. Everything that had to go wrong did go wrong for Gore, everything that had to go right, did go right for W. Excellent campaigning on W’s part, but it is becoming clear there is more.

It turns out the signature event of the century, fittingly, occured at the beginning of it, smack on 1999/2000. The backdrop is the cancer that overtook the Democratic Party, the centrists.

Gore failed everywhere. His message wasn’t left enough, got mauled by Nader (even a tiny fraction of vote counts, when things are equal, which is part of the problem, Rep-Dem sameness divides the vote right in the middle).

He chose Donna Brazille as campaign manager. Donna Brazille?? You don’t chose a sista as CM u f-ing moron. If I had 100 engineers working for me I’d want at least 15 black, 15 Hispanics there. But the one person to help elect the one President, you chose the boring white guy who looks like a potato with its top sawed off who has a man-crush on the candidate. IOW u want this guy.

Why? Bcz when chips are down that guy might be able to eek out that final vote for you that’ll help u cross the finish line bcz he can intuitively understand the majority of the country better. I don’t care how smart you are. There are many levels of knowing. Politics is a people sport.

So identity politics (ethnic presence for the fuck of it), Rep-Dem similarities working against Dems, all there.

Then after it was all over, Gore grows the beard and goes off to be the “environment savior”. Yes the environment, that stupid issue that should not even be an issue but with Rep-Dem similarities both sides seeking contrasts elsewhere, on moronic places, it (and blowjobs) becomes an issue which people “attack” or “defend”.

2000 had it all.

Q: But Gore was challanged from the left during the primaries.

A: You mean by Bill Bradley?

An excerpt from a Lance Selfa book: “[Bradley’s] speeches parrot[ed], sometimes virtually verbatim, background material produced by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the industry’s chief lobbying group”.

He was bought and paid for. Another corporatist.