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“I don’t hate writing. I love writing. What I hate is to write in the style that makes papers and grants accepted, which includes a LOT of overselling and obfuscation. Too many times writing in a way everyone can understand results in reviewers commenting your results are trivial.”


“I did not know Stalin had a daughter, or that she is currently alive and living in the US.”

“Germany is a country w 1/4th of sunlight compr to Turkey. It provides 30% of its energy from solar panels. They are shutting down the individual nuclear power plants. Turkey’s solar eergy capacity is 1/4000 of Germany, and we import half our energy”.

Ok, that for-tax guy on Fox (Tucker) might have been somewhat on edge bcz he was on Fox. I see lefties on Fox sometimes, they look really stiff, always expecting a punch from somewhere. I don’t blame them.

They remind me of this scene.



More ultra-capitalist psyop fuckery.. The man “changed”. The subtext is if he made this change somehow before, maybe he would not be homeless. All it took was putting on the uniform of modernity (any burgeois clothing would do, hip, or otherwise) and voila, he’d be in.



#Roy: “Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen is perplexed ‘why so many Millennials choose to rent’ rather than purchase a home. There was a collective chuckle in the room when I heard her make that statement at a recent House Financial Services Committee hearing.” #Duh

Yea forget Don Jr. - Kush is getting incredibly high-level exposure, experience at a young age (most wait for long time to reach such a position), he can build on that later. Assuming of course things dont go belly-up for Reps.

Increasing spending on existing production will simply increase inflation. In the same vain “give ppl more money to spend” is not an economic argument. It is a social argument, a helping hand to them, not necessarily the economy.

That assumes spending increase directly translate into GDP increase. This supposition is false. Increasing credit on the supply side drives growth.

“[Guy doing math on increase on debt % comparing that GDP growth and says] wout debt increase would we have negative growth”


A few days ago we ran a piece in @techreview about some research purporting to explain the “hipster effect”—the fact that nonconformists often end up nonconforming in the same way. We used a stock Getty photo of a hipster-ish-looking man.

We promptly got a furious email from a man who said he was the guy in the photo. He accused us of slandering him, presumably by implying he was a hipster, and of using the pic without his permission. (He wasn’t too complimentary about the story, either.)

In other words, the guy who’d threatened to sue us for misusing his image wasn’t the one in the photo. He’d misidentified himself.

All of which just proves the story we ran: Hipsters look so much alike that they can’t even tell themselves apart from each other.

A hulk emociton would be nice

dude this brexit shit is STILL going on

I love it within the new crop of left Dem figures, noone gives a shit about Obama. This should be the cue for the cacerolada crowd who needs to stop the “centristsplaining” and do some soul searching on their own, looking at Hillary and Bill as well.


U.S. Department of Energy announced up to $31 million in funding to advance the H2@Scale (hydrogen at scale) concept. Concept papers are due April 8 and full applications are due May 22.


#hydrogen @CaFCP

Artisanal.. I want to create a new word: partisanal. Reserved for hacky, overly partisan m-t–f-kas. “That vid was too partisanal man”. “That anchor is partisanal”.

Good idea


“Apple should release a competitor to Slack and call it iRC”

Books like Black Swan by “Habib Tabibi”, or Tipping Point, Blink came out at a point when US was feeling down on itself, and seeking “alternatives” in thinking. The need might have been justified but it ended up with lota weirdos.



“kuberbetes is just websphere for millennials. I shan’t be reading any replies,”



“Another weekend, another ho-hum VR experience. We’ve tried every VR/AR device made for the past 10 years–every version of Oculus, Hololens, Magic Leap, Microsoft Mixed Reality, Google DayDream, Vive, PS VR–and the kids have given up.

It’s as bad as 3D TV. Pointlessly gimmicky”

No Bernie “did not lose his way” by (also) starting to pay attn on identity stuff. He already has command and cred on the economic ineq area; now he can push his way toward the other dir 1) to gain Dem nomination 2) they are not completely a nonissue

OOOooooOo #UK gov recently cancelled its plan to electrify their train lines and the reason for it is a new way to electrify - #Hydrogen & #fuelcells

“In Saudi Arabia, men can download a wife-tracking app on their phones. Created by the Saudi government, the app will send out a text alert if a wife heads for the airport, or the border.”

“A few degree changes. why does that matter?” I dont know… do you want to keep Miami? Shangai? With 3C change, they are both gone.

UAE is making some moves on electrolysis

Dont fight what is easy with tech. Make it easier.

“EFF: Studies Keep Showing That the Best Way to Stop Piracy Is to Offer Cheaper, Better Alternatives”

“so that we are viewed as..”
