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We’ve been lying about a shortage of scientists continuously since Sputnik. We have too many scientists relative to our anemic level of interest in paying for the basic research that created our modern economy.

Why do we believe a >60YO lie? Because of who tells it.



It’s rock’n roll time

Dalio: more education to fix poverty. Great solution, jackass. This guy cant even put five words together. He is in no position to be “generating ideas”.

Yang’s inexperience could be overlooked but his polsci “lay of the land” missteps cannot. He nearly did that circum. debate thing, that’s a sign the campaign is ran by neophytes.

IDW intervened at the last second IMO and he got a respectable interview. Otherwise he was toast.

The idea for the original debate must have been planted “elsewhere”, so Shapiro was probably bitchslapped from all directions.. That’d be hilarious to watch.

You see how these fuckers play the game though… U have to be alert. Very alert.

‘The great mystery of Brexit is the bond it created between working-class revolt and upper-class self-indulgence’

On related news; not psyched but not pissed Netanyahu won again; in an “only Nixon could go to China” way he might do some good. We’lll see. Killing, jailing Pals… all IS characters do that.

Saw an H2 catalyst paper, “Catalyst structure optimization for the oxygen reduction reaction on Pt and Au”.

There is a Github repo on it

Code looked like network / graph computation?



“A very lucid comment on Michal Jordan’s article ( ), by Candès, Duchi, and Sabatti:

‘Bluntly, we do not have intelligent machines’”

Jordan article

The Orville is Trek.

Disco is Lost.

Krug does that. He is also on the same page with Dick “Deficits Dont Matter” Cheney.

“While they’re not on the same page regarding the alternative, Donald Trump, Paul Krugman, and the private insurance lobby are all mounting the same basic critique of M4A”

Outlawing stock buybacks for corps.. Someone needs to put that on their platform.

There r Reps who r for it - Rubio for one. I think Rand Paul too.

Good one :)


“There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator.”

7 years. Damn it’s a long time to spend at an embassy.. An imprisonment essentially.


Replying to @dweinberger

Sloppy and loaded language. “Ethics” too quickly devolves into “my ethics”, which devolves into politics and parochialism. Likewise for “justice”. And “should” is just lecturing, which tends drive people away


Infinite Powers book is like a fine wine I want to savor slowly

“ethics” I particularly dislike. U can reverse-engineer it from long-term self-interest. No need for the touch-feely.


“Some words tend to lower the signal/noise ratio of any conversation, such as: “should” “ethics” “justice” “intelligence””


“If you get really sick, you can’t work. But if you lose your job you lose your insurance.

What kind of sense does that make?”

Yeah - this thing is a shitshow.


“Tesla and Panasonic freeze spending on $4.5bn Gigafactory”


Apple in 2019:

My spacebar double-spaces constantly.

I accidentally brush the “Esc” button on . the Touch . Bar several times a day.

The “Pause” button in the Touch Bar doesn’t pause iTunes.

Once a day I have to run back to my office to get a dongle.

This isn’t . progress.

Goldcucks dream abt a world that cannot be. Sound money isn’t what u think it is.

Capital is not “allocated” in capitalism, it is created while giving credit. Banks have no need for savings in order to lend.

That’s why it’s moronic to talk abt the price of money for lending. Demand 4 money is infinite, so is the suppy (printing). It can’t be priced.

Venezuella is actually strategically unimportant for US.

“Venezuela’s physical isolation—with the Amazon to the south, the Caribbean (dominated by the U.S. Navy) to the north, and a hostile and stable Colombia to the west, on the other side of mountains and jungle—renders the country otherwise irrelevant” - Friedman

Rickards, and other “goldcucks” sorry goldbugs were really into that gold / RMB / oil contract angle.

Is there a rule that says if you are anti-dollar, anti-US, and have recession-passion, then u have to be a goldcuck, pro China?

Toffler used to look at level of cynicism in soc to gauge some stuff. It’s not a bad measure… With many politicians I give’em a lota leeway. Cynicism level: medium. I guess.


“user can plug in any hamiltonian of their choice” are my new famous last words

U gotta love it when a centralized state power swings behind the right thing. It’s not wout its dangers tho. Chigov f–ed up supporting BEVs before. Now they realized their mistake, swung the other direction. Fine. I mean FINE.

Because ppl keep burning shit for warmth, or electricity. We need to stop burning. Renewable cheap energy 4 all.

“9 out of 10 people worldwide breathe polluted air” - WTO

Buttgeek sounds like squarely for M4A. He doesnt want to be pinned down in certain yes/no questions, but the oscillation is around single payer 4 sure.

Not everyone is Bernie. Giving a negative headline by one wrong sentence would scare most politicians. U r but one guy, and there is this entire machinery dissecting your every move.

With Steophnaopoplouuopuuoupoouuouous the headline he was fishing for is “I Will Replace Private Companies”, in a way that sounds like “I Am A Gay Commie Who Will Also Take Your Child”.

So you dont give that to him. You oscillate while indicating you are for what u r for.

No food, and now no electricity. Yeah I bet that’s US’s fault too.. In a country where oil is cheaper than water.

Talk to the hand


Calvin Harris, Rag’n’Bone Man - Giant #music

Whereever you go, there you are.


“If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are. ~ Zen Saying”