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Week 19

His opening move was not bad; Choosing Charlotesville, race issues, he made a play for Obama fans among Dems (they say “the base” still likes Bam), at the same time positioned himself as the most un-Trump bcz those events were seen as vile

“Biden is a strong candidate - Tracey”


“This is nothing new, but - as someone doing a PhD at an elite institution - I cannot emphasize enough how much “intelligence” is just repeated exposure to particular forms of knowledge and the opportunity to perform this knowledge in publ”

Interesting noone thought of using OpenAI Gym CartPole for diff eqn based solution (ML ppl use it for NN based monkey solutions). The problem is a very basic one in control theory. Chop chop man… a few lines of Python would do wonders here.

They show cart-pole solution using NN / RL, wout bothering to go into physics of it - the Lagrangian, optimization.. That’s some monkey shit right there.

Fomo is a mofo. Nice.


Keynes’ Bancor idea was supposed to fix balance of trade issues no? Could some1 look into this?

Keynes was no goldcuck, so it was not tied to anything AFAIK.

Him and the Austrians, like Hayek did conflict a lot and I like some of Austrian ideas too. But all were agog with Keynes’ brilliance. His math-fu was strong.

A great man, Keynes. I wonder what he’d do with today’s tools and data.

How would UBI increase competition? Bcz corps would compete against worker not doing anything. Most wld prefer to do something but UBI raises the bar.

At the same time it lowers it in terms of actual $$ they give. $5/hr now brings worker to minwage levels. Everybody wins.

Vader fan movie Ep 2, so I guess they bring Vindu back? Jackson’ voice is hilarious


Ep 1 ends with Windu tearing it up waiting for V.


Dude who made this got some game.

Notice Bezos moon announcement and emphasis on infra.

And see on Bezos, infratructure, logistics


Who da man?

Minwage req for Uber wont work, they are already losing money, and their stock tanked; UBI would help both them and their workers. We need to increase competition for workers.


“Slack is so useful.

It allows me to tell my engineers I’ve just sent them an email.”


“Free people can speak freely.

If you fear to speak, you aren’t free.”

Yeah Bezos is about infrastruc, that first, inspirational vision later. Monkey boy is all abt the flashy mission impossible, other stuff later. High Horse likes risk for the f-ck of it, and wants worship. Nothing gets teeny fanoys titillating like a big scary space jump.

Of course he is

“Presidential hopeful Biden looking for ‘middle ground’ climate policy”

This is so terrible

I am glad Seth Mc is protecting his flank. I was worried of a Cali sjw cuck-attack on this show turning it into Ghostbusters, STD or … take your pick, any scifi franchise these days.


The messenger


Stargate Atlantis; these guys (villain race) were awesome. I wish there was a Season 6 so we could see them more.

This is when Momoa was less famous. Before GoT even.



“China says hopes U.S and China can resolve current issues via consultation - RTRS too late, they tried to pull a fast one on Trump”

They say the monkey boy likes batteries bcz ultimately the goal is usage on Mars. But any place we are interested in must have water too, and water -> electrolysis -> liquid hydrogen = better storage.

Bezos is probably smarter than Musk. He was a physics PhD before he quit; Musk is like a B.E. in B.S…? Physics undergrad? Just compare their companies diff is clear.

They do say QM made certain calculations easier. I accept that, in a way imaginary numbers made some calculations easier. But we dont say imag numbers are our reality, whereas QM ppl make that claim. Why did Copen QM folks took their tools so seriously?

They could have said “here is some kooky shit, we enter and exit this domain as needed, once we get the result we forget abt the rest”. They didnt say that, they went cookoo on dead cats alive cats, multiple universes shit like that.

Please do more of this; in fact I would make filming of every lecture in uni a prereq for getting any gov grant. Then we extend it to all subjects, then we fire all teachers. Teachers are modern day terrorists, forget school shootings, an average teacher is worse.


I have a feeling cheap money might be a way to nudge corps toward full employment (U2) but it only produces shit jobs. If u wanna take these effers down u might wanna hit on that. Shove ur leg in that shit. The head if that’s not enough.

Corps are caught btw inno (full automation) and shit jobs; e-z money is enough to do the latter for now, which brings productivity down. Problem is feckless leadership, remove e-z money, let some companies crash, give UBI, move on.

“Prof. Chen Tsan-Yao recently developed a way of using ultrasonic waves to make tiny grooves on a metal surface, which in conjunction with an atomic-scale platinum catalyst can be used to double the efficiency of alkaline fuel cells.”


It’s all in the turtleneck


“I still don’t understand how people straight out of school can become “management consultants”.”

Except the greentard part I agree

The Internet is not yet abt “people power”. What it did was widening the net (as in fish) that helped catch more of a rare fish (talent). So a tuber could be such rare fish. But his viewers arent necessarily demonstrating “people power”.

You are now their leader and they will regurgitate what they heard from you. For the next topic, next crisis, they will still need leadership, direction from you.

We all want to take it e-z. I did my utmost best not to get into this energy biz, thought Musk had it all under control. He fucked it all up, so grudgingly some of us do what we do now.

Stokes’s Theorem, Data, and the Polar Ice Caps


Uniper SE is a BUY

“H2 decouples the renewable energies from the need of simultaneous generation and consumption. It is the key to the energy transition. Technically everything is ready, only the political will is missing”


H-bomb is harder, but if NK really wants to be a pain in the ass, they might just do it. A reminder: A-bomb is bad, but A-bomb is a mere trigger for H-bomb. When Russkies tested theirs during 60s it broke windows ~1000 km away.

C’mon China no time to go belly up now, we have things to do. Cant u give the man what he wants..?

All this money printing but no inflation, why? Another explanation, money went to the rich, who do not (cannot) spend it all on regular items. How many cars can a dozen billionaires buy? So excess money does not circulate, no inflation.

But of course noone wants their wealth to decrease, so it is invested which causes a bubble in the stock market. In Venezuella (a basket case ran by an imbecile) printed money is given to the people who circulate it in the econ which creates hyperinflation.

In the meantime we target full unemployment blocking inno, productivity goes down, creating shit jobs. Inequality gap widens. We need to increase inno, use UBI, fire everyone who are in shit jobs working for a “wage”.

USD being the reserve curr is helpful too of course. Foreign countries constantly need dolllars which raises its value.



“Let’s teach for mastery – not test scores Sal Khan”

I appreciate the pro public, left positions of Corbyn. And I wish he was more gutsy on Brexit. He should have presented Brexit as an hapless Con party abdicating its responsibility to govern and hammer them on that night and day. Labor got hit pretty bad on local elections

I saw him on one recent interview, they asked what he voted for, he was like with a hat-in-hand sheepishness “I voted for remain” with lowered head and everythg. “I’ll clean shoes for a pence mam..” Like what? U need to be swingin it and slam it on the table, bam! Remain biatch!

Judging by the Hedges interview new Taibi book Hate Inc is probably covering Third Wave changes in media.

That’s partly true but you helped make that block what it is (IMO US also encouraged a UK inside EU). While in, they gave u the best deal ever. On and on

“Ok u say UK better off in EU. But if out we have to follow its rules, that’s unfair, we are being bullied by larger block”


“Finishing a PhD is like finishing a group project where your partner made a ton of mistakes at the beginning of the assignment. Except your partner is just you 4 years ago.”

Yang’s UBI will be given together with M4A, if u opt-in for UBI single-payer is not lost.

BTW, M4A is actually better than the Canadian single-payer system in many ways. So it’s both cheaper than the existing US system (if u can call it that) and will give better results (see Canada).

The comment is patently false. Not denying healthcare is the centerpiece of Sanders’ plan.

I am sure that news item terrified FN viewers.

“Single-payer health care means you might be denied surgery for being too fat” - Fox News


“Fun fact: RDJ has been geeking about nanotech since years and it was actually a part of Iron Man 2 (you can see the deleted scenes) but it was cut because too complicated. He said during an interview that Tony probably made Bruce nano pants”

Isrl / Pal is a slow moving war anyway. Noone should be surprised when rockets fly sometimes.

Hailey is wrong abt that. That kid (Un) controlled all aspects of that ascelation, and got a face to face with DJT. He did all that to be seen as a respectable partner. Then he ended up with “denuke or else”. A let down.

“NK came to the table bcz we were tough with sanctions”.


“1/ Hypothesis: The primary way that techy bicoastal millennials interact with the vast underclass of millions of hourly workers is in Uber cars. Riders talking to drivers. Uber is creating the forum for folks to learn about each other, and what we’re learning disappoints us”

“2/ In turn, this emotion is redirected at the company, when in fact we all need to get smarter about what’s going on in our economy. There are 80 million hourly workers, who don’t have benefits and income security. Their jobs turn over 100%+ annually. They have zero savings.”

“10/ It’s something we have to figure out, because the majority of the economy actually looks like this, not just Uber. And as many of you know, automation, robotics, and technology will just accelerate this even further. This is something that needs to get figured out”

“11/ The conversations you’re having in your Uber cars — that’s just the medium. The message is deeper, and more profound: 80 million hourly workers without benefits. $38k in debt. Can’t cover $400 in expenses. 100%+ turnover in their work. Think about that.’

It’s unbelieable at first, the first black President, the first genuine modern left, and a reality show star with by then zero political experience all came to prom. / reached high office after running against Hillary. I guess it’s true what they say many find her unlikeable.