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Schools in Mexico City were closed this week due to a heavy cloud of smog blanketing the city. Parks closed. People wearing masks. Asthmatics suffering. Time to beat air pollution!

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” - Plato

Annexing Area C leaves Pals in patchy shit areas. Why cant they have a contiguous piece of West Bank? #newdeal

Sharing Jerusalem is good. But the rest is a tough sell.

I am still 4 a single state solution with pol elligibility restrictions (no Pals for high office, SC)

I just remembered the great 90s movie The American President (starring M. Douglas) was all abt gun control. Like, the movie sold it like the most important issue ever, enough to hinge an entire movie around it. “I am sending 455 to the floor”. “Oh honey f–k me”.

Courtesies of Aaron Sorkin of course. The king of polishing 90s, centrist, corporate Dem turd and make it shiny, technical, “smart”, “Trek-like”.

TAP is the origin of the West Wing BTW. More turd, spread among eps now, and many seasons.

Oh yeah and the great speech at the end “I’ll go door by door and collect all the guns”. Yeah good luck with that.

(Repurchase is better. Plus if u talk abt left issues more u wld solve guns easier).

Clearly the 90s were a gran’ol time.

It aint that bad. Given a choice btw Biden and Trump progs can consider staying home. We need to stamp on centrism like stamping on cockroach. They are nothing but bad news.


Cutting Iranian oil exports in this way is escalation. The requests heaped on them for a return to normal dont seem like stuff Iranians will go for; that’s why I keep thinking, is US itching for war? Or bluffing really well? Squeezing China thru their oil imports?

Of course Trump is partly to blame #abortion But the pol climate is still littered with fucking centrists, on the Dem side (Biden is frontrunner hello), the other side still need to distinguish themselves through hot button issues.

737 MAX - the documentary

This might be a good time to mention an old post,


Then see picture


Godot game engine - completely free completely open source - … - tuber said exactly what I was thinking - this is the Linux of game engines. Its hd footprint is small. Getting crazy updates, improvements.


M4A with UBI would not be opt-in, they are both offered, seperately. But a program such as food stamps would be opt-in IMO. A lot of this common sense, UBI is given so you could buy everyday items, like food. Healthcare is a different beast.

U wanna end up like Venus? V had a runaway greenhouse effect; CO2 led to more CO2, eventually their oceans boiled away. Now there is nothing left.

“But a little greenhouse effect can be nice, Earth heats up a little”

Winter Soldier


“Darpa wants to genetically engineer soldiers’ skin bacteria to protect them from mosquitoes”

Yeah I have no problem with that. Then time becomes a by-product.

As long as u dont have dead cats, alive cats multiple universes with me with a goatee and wearing leather pants we’re a-ok.

“Loop Quantum Grav drops time from its equations”

No bans. No censoring. You fight trolls through the same filter mechanism; on the message consumer.

“Twitter, Facebook qustion: If you handle all filtering on the client based on user chosen filter packages, how do platforms fight fake accounts, trolls?”

WTF is raining down on these people?

Someone in the reply shared this


“‘Never in my life have I heard of anyone solving a first order differential equation by finding an integrating factor.’ – Gian-Carlo Rota”


The cosmos wants me to write paid content code from scratch. Why do ready-made solutions suck so bad?

Heroku got some s..t going on kno wha Im sayin?

I have a knack 4 being at the right place for historical shit. Now I am at the place where the big party will be when f–head goes down.

“After all these years I’m still not sure if MCMC is a good idea or not”


Meghan Mc, bitch is worse than her father. How’s that possible? Arent u supposed to improve with each generation?


“Millennials aren’t struggling because they’re lazy or wasting their money on avocados. They face unprecedented economic challenges due to decades of policies to help corporations and the top 1% while leaving working people behind.”

Wut? Rare to hear neg coverage of this tech.

Ideal and simplest approach is of course clean fuel based renewable storage, distribution, generation.

“CCS/CCU is the #Theranos of energy, a fake tech that increases air poll death & mining of fossils” @mzjacobson

Billions lost its spark.

“A fan walks up to Pierce Brosnan, shakes his hand then tells him ‘this is the closest my hand will ever get to Halle Berry’s ass’”. Hahaha

The 120k number is oddly reassuring because it suggests the Iran conplan being discussed and leaked is old.


Funny u say that, I was thinking the same thing today bcz it is exactly like the Betamax situation.

“Hugo Spowers, @riversimple tells the #FTCar Summit Electric vs Hydrogen is not a Betamax situation” - FT

“An international team of researchers [..] has discovered a new material made from manganese hydride that [..can..] be used to make molecular sieves within fuel tanks—which store the hydrogen [..] The material, called KMH-1 would enable [better] tanks”



“Lmao @ the people who named their kids Daenerys or Khaleesi. What a bunch of absolute fools. If only they were as wise as me, father to a beautiful baby girl named Detective Pikachu”


Whenever I see a tv movie and they have equations on a blackboard, I quickly scan them. I once saw a movie about a genius investor on Wall Street and a blackboard had Euler’s characteristic V - E + F on it. I was starting to think, what does that person know I don’t know.

Sman and industrialization


Gina Shakespeare. Damn.


“My brother in laws wife recently went to the hospital for an emergency. They did a CT Scan and charged her $3500

Her insurance through work has a $4000 deductible.

Anyone who tells you Americans want to keep their insurance is straight up lying. #MedicareForAll”

“Quantum Mechanics is wrong. There, I’ve said it.” - Sabine Hossenfelder


Bootyjudge and Shapiro feel like two milenials similar somehow, 1 on the left 1 on the right, but similar. During their formative yrs, 90s, one would soak up the Clintonite West-Wing spinster cool, the other unfettered free-tradism. They dont seem to have woken up ..

.. to the repercussions of that era tho. I wonder why. Is it bcz they were particularly smart, groking the era but locking it in, or particularly dumb for not checking historical context and the after-effects. Shapiro’s free-tradism looks especially sad.

Free trader goldcuck is like “oh no no, don’t touch anything”. This ain’t free, and it ain’t trade. This is also abt multinational corps exploiting workers in another country through an opressive state that isnt their own.

U count ur gold bullions dude. #china

“Changing of the current trade scheme is not in China’s interest”. Of course it isn’t. Which country doesnt want free-range access to every tech secret within their borders? That is what forced tech xfer policy does.

US turned a blind eye to it bcz they wanted China to prosper.

(Prosper as in counterbalance Russia, wink-wink)

[snippet from Navarro book on Chinese dollar sterilization]

Nothing abt the Chinese - US relationship is natural. It was brought to this position for strategic reasons. If strategy changes, this relationship changes. Who decides? The duly frickin elected official of the US obviously.

Science of AI falling behind

“All my grad students are fitting shit [paraphrasing]” she says. Sad.



“Some say people gets the politician they deserve. Not sure anybody deserve Farage.Erling Andersen added,”

Maybe it is unfair to label GoT, Star Wars fails completely due to SJW. Maybe they r the result of them distancing themselves from their creator’ vision. SW is not Lucas’ anymore, bad GoTs were done wout book material.

I say this bcz same thing happened to the Terminator.

The new movs were made wout Cameron. He hates them and they do suck.

The suck materialized differently tho, post 2016 it was SJW. It could have been something else.

Blair is talking abt “the tally” for Remain side having to go up (he is hoping) for EU parlm. elections. He seems to count cons on Brexit pile tho. There is now a Brexit Party, all pro Brexiters would have gone there. The remaining cons cannot automatically be considered Brexiter

Fine for me!

“According to Reuters calculations, Bosch would only need a tenth of the platinum used in current fuel cell vehicles” @H2Bjorn

“[W]e’d like to understand the dynamics of a pendulum. Why a pendulum? In part, because the dynamics of a majority of our multi-link robotics manipulators are simply the dynamics of a large number of coupled pendula” - Tedrake, Robotics Lecture

Multi-link manipulators: as in the legs for Asimo’s walking. I am glad they use hard-core math, not monkey Reinf Learning code, if something went wrong which one would you rather debug? A black box with bunch of “weights”, or the math with a model.

Sage the Gemini - Now & Later #music

Hey that was pretty good Nixon


Much was made by Gingrich’s temper tantrum during the 95 budget debacle. To many the event sounded petty, deplaning from a different door, not fit 4 their position, being a cry baby etc. But the thing was final drop IMO on a series of events. He was not consulted on a budget deal

“We got this all covered, now all that is left for you others (Reps) to show up and vote yey to what we say”. Centrists dont realize this drives others insane and they do all they can to undermine you.