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“First impressions of Asus Chromebook Flip c434 as a Linux dev computer vs Macbook Air:

Pros: Cheaper ($500 vs $1000), can be used as Android touchscreen tablet, Ubuntu runs in parallel w/ Chrome OS

Cons: A bit slower, Android apps not as good as OSX apps”


My link:



I dont understand why American nats feel happy abt the prospects of EU nats gaining power which can destabilize Europe. Do you really want to deal with that aftermath? Small bitsy states all pulling in diff direction, oh, and not able to hold back Russia?

“Renewable hydrogen could be just as cheap at an industrial scale as the kind produced with fossil fuels by 2030, according to a new study of wind-rich areas from economists at Stanford University and the Technical University of Munich.”

Newt is so effin deluded it hurts to watch. And he was Toffler follower? The old man would not have approved, I guarantee it.

Yang is coming apart; saw him on Igraham with a lost voice. I dont think he appreciated the grind of retail politics before… It’s not about pretty ideas; it’s about the leader (whose ideas must be embodied in his person) who will lead to the promised land.

They came for his campaign with that bullshit debate. U had to see that coming. U need huge endorsements.

Having held previous office is a must, media exp if not. People need to see u deciding, leading on stuff. Odd but DJT on the Appr was that. Most top cands have held office.

Still silently rooting for Yang of course but always keep an eye on the polls. On the way down I kick a man down, and pile on. If doing good I’ll cheer and be a follower. Am very opportunistic that way.

More data fitting. So tired of this monkey shit.

“Google AI system proves over 1200 mathematical theorems”


“Whoa! It turns out that famous examples of NLP systems succeeding and failing were very misleading. “Man is to king as woman is to queen” only works if the model is hardcoded not to be able to say “king” for the last word.”

Hinton spun up a good tale around this biz, hinting this “statistical stuff” is as good as building a GI on, as if we had any meaningful algebra around the subject the way pysicists had Calculus.


“Liquid #h2 has 200x greater energy density than Li-ion batteries by weight”


“More natural gas isn’t a “middle ground” — it’s a climate disaster”

Yeah centrists liked natgas it was like a “middle-ground”, but methane leakage kills that arg. And this article says even the carbon part is no good news.

Keine Fahrvergnugen


“Sorry to the athlete who worked her whole life to become the best only to finish in 2nd place at the NCAA Championships because she was racing a man. Better luck next time.”

Worldwide effort required to convert fossil->H2 near to the point of production, than distribute H2 using the existing gas network. The longer energy remains fossil throughout transport, storage, the larger the chances of it polluting the environment.

If nothing is done on this, sabotage on key fossil fuel infrastructure will be thought by extremists. Let’s reform this stuff before things get there.


“Is Audi breaking ranks with VW Group over hydrogen strategy?”

“Schot told journalists fuel cells appeared superior to EVs at Geneva. One of the PRs told me he almost fell off his chair when he heard it.”

Ha ha

Celebrating 4 EU, nice… One little addition though: nats can do some freaky shite, but u cant impose national governments who they let in who not. EU cannot tell Hungary to take in x many refugees.

Cremation diamonds: seriously.

We are carbon, dia is carbon, so u can someone into diamond from their ashes after death. Freaky.

“Tusk says Brexit served as ‘vaccine’ against eurosceptic EU vote”

EU vote: “Europe Shrugged. Historical results for Greens in Germany, Belgium, Finland and Ireland; Social Democrats emerge from their ashes in some countries; The opponents of Europe and the extreme right did not get what they expected”

“The demonisation of carbon dioxide is just like the demonisation of the poor Jews under Hitler” - William Happer



“Every time a dude says he’s a Libertarian I do the jerkoff motion but with the invisible hand of the free market”

Blair banging on the drum


I still want Corbyn as PM. His angle probably is pullimg himself out of any controversial pos so Cons destroy themselves thorougly.. Hopefully this doesnt harm Labor in the process.


“Nikola Founder Trevor Milton Wants to Build iPhone of Trucks”

“We stopped taking preorders after $14 billion of orders, and I’m sold out for eight years right now.”

”.. We refunded all of our deposits because we didn’t want people to think we were using their money to fund our company. We have no debt. That was an important thing to me.”

H2 is not only a better form of energy storage, it also attracts non-charlatans, solid thinkers.