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Tweets - Week 25

Aah the element 115. Scientists knew elements above 100 would / could be synthesized, during 60s. You didnt need Bob Lazar for that.

Bob Lazar has profile attribute 282B, “they have an intense desire to be something unique or to see something more than the ordinary. They are day-dreamers [..] and want to identify with something beyond what is normally expected of people [..] have a tendency to engage in escapist and self-destructive fantasies and/or habits, the reason is usually is a weak ego and loss of identity in childhood””

Make of it what you will, but fantasification is as likely as the real thing.

Do I believe UFOs?

I could not refute it easily based on this data

There really isn’t one much one can say confidently on the subject IMO.

Trump’s net approval is at -11% (approval at %42 minus disproval at 53%). But still it’s not enough.



His predicted elec. college vote share is btw 49.73% ad 53.28%, assuming 2% gdp growth. With 0% gdp growth he still has advantage but the other side has some chance.

This is crazy. He took that picture with equipment in his back porch?

This says

“[T]he image was the result of 500 pictures being taken on a video camera. Those pictures were then combined using software that took out the effects of the Earth’s atmosphere.”


Still, crazy.

How do you even pinpoint the thing? U know u move the telescope a milimeter, it’ll miss the target..


▪️The EU didn’t destroy public services

▪️The EU didn’t cause wages to decline

▪️The EU didn’t cause the NHS crisis

▪️The EU didn’t cause regional inequality

▪️The EU didn’t cause uncontrolled immigration

Don’t blame the EU. Blame the UK government instead.”

“What have u done for me lately?” I am downloading world elevation data for weeks, sucka. Then will prepare a condensed model from it and share with your dumb ass.

Actors like variety. He was a buttoned-up, example figure last time, he is apparently a shadier figure in this one. I bet that is the only reason he agreed to do it in fact, bcz Picard would be different this time. An actor’s job is not deciding the future of a franchise; whoever has the stake, money and the ownership of the brand does that.

“If the Picard show was so bad on paper why did Patrick Stewart agree to do it?”

“@kaffjamesnewtow Genetic monocultures expose themselves to collapse. Other than as a subsidized, engineered, cheap sugar to keep the masses happy, corn is at best no more useful than any other crop.

“Weather woes cause American corn farmers to throw in the towel” “

Not a single article on cart-pole system starting with its basic math down to a OpenAI gym implementation (OA was meant for deep shit “AI” demos but hey never late to use it for some real science). I’m gonna do it but the write up will be tigga. Your loss.

“@salihughes Long conversation recently with a Met officer. He said knife crime has become so severe because Theresa May cut all the funding for their dedicated work with gangs, and that not engaging with gang culture has set them back years. Course, it suits Hunt to make it about Khan”

They wont get off this shit willingly. U need extreme measures.

@MikeHudema “For the Trudeau govt to approve this pipeline after declaring a #climate emergency makes about as much sense as pouring gasoline on a burning fire”

No B.O. Once genet manip becomes common I bet this gene will becomes 1 of the first ppl target.

“@Loh Fun fact: thanks to a mutation thought to have originated in a tribe some 40,000 years ago in what is now Korea, most East Asians have the variant of the ABCC11 gene that prevents body odor”

S. Thrun was so psyched abt Deep Learning for autonom driving he was saying “my thesis was all wrong!”. Maybe it was right and we cant get there by DL alone.

Will I be able to send money through WhatsApp? That’s what I gotta know. When can I buy some Libra? How can I integrate it to my checkout page?

Andressen says his biggest regret is not including crpyto into Mosaic when he had the chance. I bet he hits his head against the wall everytime there is news on shortcomings of e-payment systems.

Google quantum guy Neven is harping abt multiple universes, etc. You can explain all quantum phenomena, including quantum computation (your day job) wout resorting to that bullshit. I include this reminder bcz ppl think just bcz a person knows X, they assume person knows Y, Z that are related.

If you deacc old Twitter acct, take new acct in the name of old account (so same username) the old blocks on you are gone. But of course, so are your followers.

Which in my case do not matter. My prom followers were parachutin motherfuckers.

Aahh of course; Eminem can’t use the N-word can he? Odd in a way… Hip hop without the N-word.

Yeszz.. in principle of least action chapter Feynman goes back and forth btw “the integral” and “the average” (of a function) seamlessly. Are integs sums or averages? Well, they’r kinda the same thing. The avg of 10 numbers is their sum multiplied by 1/10. The only diff btw them is a constant factor.

Uwww how did I miss you MCMC Bayesian guy…


So many flops in scifi, comic book movies. Have we had this many flops in a short period of time?

The law of supply-and-demand. It doesn’t exist, you stupid bih.


Economist keep harping abt that construct but noone has empirically plotted one, one econ tried with Uber data and failed.

I guess compared to a streotypical millenial u tried to look up some stuff, but only went to step 1. Step 2 would have been seeing what works and doesn’t.


People in CH used WeChat app for payments like mad, some 9 trillion $ were spent through WeChat in 2016; that would be akin to using WhatsApp for payments which currently its users cannot. Why is the financial system so schlerotic when it comes to payments? Even a system like Paypal ended up being another “site” that is in its own silo. It is 2019 and we are hoping some weird, yet unknown private crypto solution to help us. Obviously over-centralized state is good at unifying disparate systems, but still, it feels like there should have been more innovation in this space.

Hopefully Libra catches on.

“@AWeigmannn The fact that China is now cancelling subsidies to manufacturers of EVs and looking to cancel all grants in 2020 is sending a loud message to the market. There is now more news being released outlining that China is supporting #Hydrogen #FuelCells”

I wonder if the IR Prez actually wants a US attack so internal politics is “rearranged”. He doesn’t get along with the mullahs who watch over the politicians and constantly keep them at bay. I read Rouhani was asked abt a certain indirect criticism mullahs made toward him and when asked ‘who did the grand ayatollah meant by that?’ reportedly he deadpanned ‘Himself’, and ppl laughed. That comes as close to flipping the bird in Iranian politics as anything and raised eyebrows. What’s going on in there?

“@DEFCONWSALERTS Iran says that it will break the uranium stockpile limit set by its nuclear deal with world powers in the next 10 days”

“@chr1sa This confirms what I’ve been hearing. We focused on the “perception” problem in the early days but that’s been largely solved. Camera vs Lidar debate is a sideshow. The “reasoning” side of the equation (prediction, path-planning) is 10x harder & that’s where we’re currently stuck”


The Last Ship second season was fantastic too. But it’s not a contest.

Libertards provide the “happy place” for the cons; they go there to feel better about themselves. Aaaah wouldn’t it be nice to peg it all to gold, have sound money..? Maybe we’ll do it one day.

My Nancy - JFK thing is no drubbing related to non-impeachement BTW. I really dont care what happens, but she is probably right not to go there since it would divide the party. People who push for it are most likey happy to be “pushing for impeachement when it is not on the table”, appearing to be gung-ho when in fact, if given the gun, they would not pull the trigger themselves. It’s politics.

“The Trump embrace” will have the exact oppo effect on the Israeli right.

High Horse is so proper, like a king would be u know, acting properly in front of their subjects. For comedy u need the exact opposite of that I guess that’s why I haven’t met a single comedian who is HH. When they try to be flippant it comes across as stiff-upper lip. How dare u!? I’ve seen so many face-plant trying to be funny that it could be a comedy routine on its own.

Is Japan private debt mosty household debt? No. I checked. Most of the private debt is businesses.

The problem is too much private debt. There was some deleveraging but not nearly enough. Companies are servicing debt with debt rather than creating value. BOJ needs to increase rates to, say 5%, watch zombie companies die, bankruptcies will clear away junk and their debt, so new companies can borrow and create value. Textbook says with low growth decrease rates but u r off textbook territory now.

Japan’s deflation problem

Keen on gold


What did I tell you about those matchups? They are wrong. Look at this Hillary vs Trump “matchup”.


It says H will win!

Elections are abt the incumbent and fought state by state. If a candidate is unpopular with bad econ the candidate who is his most polar opposite has a chance.

“Among the matchups Biden vs Trump looks good, Dems can win with Biden”.

I’d watch this guy closely; he cooked up a direct ammonia fuel-cell even, if I recall.


“Pleased to announce our forthcoming conference “Ammonia = Hydrogen 2.0” 22-23/8/19. Details at”

Flim flam man riding his bitch BEV

We all owe T. Cruz for beating Beto. If he didnt that Kennedyesque suave fock would be in top 3 in Dem race and centrism would be having a ball.

I’m not gonna lie; democracy in China would be great.

I dont know if centrists feel remorse 4 what they turned their country into. But maybe they still have some left left in them. Anu Partanen’s book ref’d below opens with Bill Clinton introducing her to an audience.



“(Oslo, December 14, 2018) Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser, a division of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL) has been awarded a grant under the PILOT-E scheme for the development and realization of a green fertilizer project together with Yara International ASA (Yara, OSE:YARA). The ambition of the project is to realize zero-emission fertilizer production using innovative solutions and cost-efficient hydrogen production from electrolysis based on renewable energy.”


George Stephanopopoloololoppuppopopololoppus interview helps Trump; made news, it worked for GS worked for DJT. BTW don’t let the tiny size fool you, GS is a serious operator. Knowing the ins-outs of US politics, GS is one. All Too Human was a great book.

“China is acting aggressively in the South China sea, impeding US”.

Well, the sea is near China. It is called the South China Sea, in their area of influence. What would US think if a foreign military was running amok in the Bay of Mexico?

But nobody’s entitled to anything, and US does not want China gain more influence in SCS, fine, China’s neighbors probably don’t either, so there is a power play going on here. In terms of that, I dont particularly care if China is blocked in its ambitions or not.

“South China Sea is surrounded by a string of islands, so is the East China Sea. It is very easy to blockade the Chinese. The Chinese are terrified the US will blockade China” G. Friedman

“The Chinese want to dominate the South China Sea and move out to the Pacific [the US does not want that for that reason]”. -GF

This connects to Friedman theory that US’s national security depends on dominating the oceans.

“One of the reasons for US tariffs is .. partly in response to Chinese behaviour in the South China Sea” - GF

From link


“Six of the hottest years ever recorded in India have taken place this century. Heat is a huge drag on economic development of 1.3 bn people”

Need I remind everyone that the water that comes out of fracking is toxic. They store the shit in abandoned wells, and if it ever seeps out, places like Texas are SCREWED.

Fracking is almost as bad as nuclear energy with its waste problem. Oh yeah we store it. Bitch - what if it seeps out? After an earthquake or whatever. Did you think of that?


“In next two years, US capacity for LNG exports is set to double. The momentum towards “carbon lock-in” around the shale-fracking-complex is daunting.”


Ammonia, fertilizers, H2 - the lay of the land


Go for it!


“There is nothing to stop the UK from switching its entire gas network over to #hydrogen, a report that looks at the country’s transition to hydrogen has found.”


Stork or crow? In terms of sound. Dude; they are both effin loud but storks, any day of the week.

Bloomberg @business

These eight countries are responsible for 63.6% of ocean trash:

China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Egypt, Malaysia

Here’s how we can help them

From what I understand she kinda buttonholed Chi leadership into supporting her, the idea might not have been 100% mainland originated. Maybe they kinda implored her to give it up after seeing protests. Like.. not worth it dude. We have a bigger fish to fry here.

On a different note Kyle Bass thinks HK is going down.

“Hong Kong leader suspends controversial extradition bill”


“In the summer of 2008 foreign investors held $800 billion in debt issued by the GSEs. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were, as the influential blogger Brad Setser quipped, “too Chinese to fail.”” from Crashed