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Tweets - Week 27

Not much life left in Beto, and most other up-starts. Boot-Edge-Edge is in the top tier cands but very far from front-runners. Kamala, Bernie, Warren doing well. The race is shaping up.

“@IndianOilcl We are standing at the cusp of a breakthrough, with this hydrogen based technology offering a tailor-made solution to tackle the problem of air pollution in India. We intend to scale up after initial trials & extend this technology to older vehicles too.”


If it comes down to Kamala vs Warren, which one? I’ll go for more un-Trumpness (non-white, female). K is also younger, with more energy. Not bad lookin either..

“BMW and Toyota partnering up to build fuel cell car” - Link

“Research team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has built platinum nanoparticles for catalysis in fuel cells. New size-optimized catalysts are twice as good as the best process commercially available today - Link “

Yeee.. u know u wanna slap that ass.. Don’t lie to me now.

OK, Gina Shakespeare is somewhat bonkers on some stuff. But she is still hot.


“@EBRD Cities consume over two-thirds of the world’s energy and account for more than 70% of global CO2 emissions”.

“@AWeigmannn Total keeps an eye on “very interesting” German H2 projects. The production of green #hydrogen with renewable power has become a hot topic in German industry, and a whole range of projects are dedicated to the development of the technology.”

BTW there is no link btw this so-called Euro right and austerity. Victor Orban happily applied it, and it worked for him.

“In Italy, for instance, few days go by without Matteo Salvini, the country’s right-wing populist interior minister and the man widely seen as a leader-in-waiting, saying that Italy doesn’t want to “meet the same fate as Greece.” In Salvini’s rhetoric, winding up like Greece means ceding national sovereignty to the baddies of the European Union, who in turn would impose an emasculating austerity regime on Italy.”

True. Columbus, even ancient ppl did not think Earth was flat.


Yeah we are fukked.

I was waiting to hear abt this; “wait until carbon / methane embedded in ice get out, then it’ll be a party”.

“Scientists find #carbon from thawing #permafrost is released into the atmosphere at higher rates than previously thought @NatureGeosci”

This is second time I read a feral attack on a pub official, and it was extremely unjustified. One TR (Babacan), and one for ECB (Lagarde 4 her IMF days). I remember Lag asked for Greece debt forgiveness more than once. She was portrayed very badly. Babacan is blamed? for saying 2011-12 dollar flood can reverse (which did). What r these ppl smoking?

An engineering college must teach solving, computing the double pendulum. U get into Lagrangians, then Euler-Lagrange (what’s that? generalized calculus of variations), then numerical solution of system of ODEs. This one prob gives you all.

He is right. His teacher taught him well :) His thesis advisor was Huntington, of Clash of Civilization fame. Great book (ignoring the grim parts) Huntin’s main thesis is religion matters, and Protestanism matters most in America.

Zakaria “[few years ago, paraph] if you are a Catholic there is already a place for you in the Americas, like Brasil, Argentina, etc. US is a Protestan country”.

Rehash of old news but Crashed mentioned it so I looked it up; it is true, 2011 parl elections were rigged.

“An EU Court ruled that Putin’s party rigged the 2011 Russian elections”


G20 Members Dole Out Coal Subsidies Despite Climate Crisis Talk


“@DEFCONWSALERTS There is absolutely NO truth to the rumor that a US submarine was torpedoed by a Russian submarine in US waters.”

“Electric power “has its limits” and that future passenger cars will use hydrogen, says Continental executive”

Continental AG is an automotive manufacturing company specializing in brake systems, interior electronics, automotive safety, powertrain and chassis components, tachographs, tires and other parts.

Revenue: 44.4 billion EUR (2018) Number of employees: 243,226 (2018)

“10 days away exceeding previously agreed stores of uranium..”

Rapaille’s The Culture Code + Abramovitz’s Time for Change explains all you need to know on the electorate.

Rapaille, reptilian (survival) and emotional (culture) rule everything else. Intellect comes last. This is science.

Abramovitz: a vague popularity, incumbency and econ effects vote.

It’s all jumbled images. For a black vote, Biden was VP, of a black president. Voter: “I be black, Biden good”. Now Kamala attacks, a black person with formerly high office, on a black issue, “he is disrespecting him, so maybe Biden does not deserve such respect. Biden be not good”.

(for whites it’d be the same thing obviously)

The Great Divergence

Chinese BAT stocks.. Seriously. (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent)

A reminder not to use ds, dx, dy of integration as if they are ‘variables’; doing things like $ds = \sqrt{dx^2 + dy^2}$. Even for the arc length formula, I would arrive at through \Delta x’s, Mean Value Theorem, limits, etc.

Nuke is the kind of solution you propose when u want to come across as a “measured and balanced kinda guy”. “Look I’ve weighed all the options here, some pros, some cons dude, and with heavy heart and shit I say let’s do nuclear”. Wrong move. There is no balance here
 The tech sucks and is dangerous.

I wonder why Gore is so dead-set against CCS. I believe he is worried CCS will be used to lengthen the life of fossils. He is for a “final solution”. That’s fine - so am I.

One of my worries (could be nothing) on CCS was if u suck air in with a machine for carbon removal, could you get to all air, lots of air? Or would you just get the same air around you within a certain distance that just keeps circulating over and over? Probably not but one wonders

“@LifeMathMoney ‘There are only two ways of telling the complete truth - anonymously and posthumously.’”



I wonder sometimes tho if monkey boy wants lower price so he can go private easier.

Hardball. The basic stance of USG has not changed.

“SEN. GRAHAM: Well, I’m in Turkey and it’s being reported in the Turkish media that Prezo is claiming that President Trump, in their discussions, told Turkey that if you activate the S-400, we’ll find a way around sanctions. I doubt if that conversation occurred. It’s impossible- under our law, if Turkey buys the- activates the S-400 missile battery they bought from the Russians, sanctions would be required under law”


So why cant I use E-L for distance / path determination on rugged terrain where elev the function traveled over, representing obstacles? đŸ€”

Right; Euler-Lagrange eqn is a generalized formula for certain Calculus of Variation problems. No need to go through all the plug-and-chug, E-L already did that for general enough vars, u just subtitute and voila! Mary Boas makes the point well. The book is legendary.

I hear P. Schiff is losing customers left and right (another goldcuck). That’s what you get for getting stuck on one idea. How can u even predict the 10yr properly if keep waiting for major crash for the past 10 years? Customers pay u to get it right in 6, 12, 24 months timescale.

“@PhilipSoos Ultimately, the goal of the establishment in cutting interest rates to record lows is to sacrifice the interest income of all households to save the one-third of households that are mega mortgage muppets - it’s all about saving the housing market & banks.”

“@william_sw 10 more days until Bentley’s fuel cell concept unveiled.”

Some “legacy”.

“The bridge fuel trap: There are exciting things happening in renewable power generation in the US, but they are dwarfed by the surge in power generation from fracked gas hailed by the Obama administration as key to medium-term energy future.”

Good good.. PA was VW’s boy, into batteries etc. He’s seen the way.

“Strong signal from #Germany ! -Technologie: Altmaier: Hydrogen offers “enormous potential””

Building ships with CoV, using clocks as a pre-modern GPS. No wonder the West came to dominate the seas.

You cannot navigate with a compass. If that was possible, the Chinese would have “discovered” Australia (right under your nose).

“Calculus of variations had its beginnings in the seventeenth century when Newton used it for choosing the shape of a ship’s hull to assure minimum drag of water”

The DJT S400 comment is likely a lie (it was Obama’s fault etc). Typical STP, for a thing he wants to do in the now (cutting some slack to .. whatever) the past gets rewritten to make it happen.

Gabriel Mann.. I am getting a Keanu Reeves vibe from this guy. I propose a Matrix Re-Re-loaded starring Mann.

Also I dont subscribe to “we measure inflation wrong” argument, leaving out gas prices. Gas price is reflected in all products.

Some maintain erroneous measurement in regular products too, but the The Billion Prices Project found pretty much the same prices.

Also college, medicine.. but as far as staples are concerned he is right

He’s got that all wrong. Banks print money while giving credit, no need for “savings”. If u print money for speculation, that creates bubbles. If comps are not overlevered, they are not blocked in their inno, they go get credit and produce “good growth”.

“Summers: [T]his may all be madness, and I may not have this right at all.” But in light of the data, the question had to be put: What if the inadequate recovery was not simply down to policy failure? What if there was a deeper problem, a chronic shortfall in the demand for investment relative to the supply of savings, resulting in a sustained condition of “secular stagnation”?

To see the force of this argument, Summers invited his surprised audience to look back to the period before the crash. In retrospect, everyone agreed that monetary policy before 2008 had been “too easy. . . . [T]here was a vast amount of imprudent lending going on. Almost everybody believes that wealth, as it was experienced by households, was in excess of its reality. Too easy money, too much borrowing, too much wealth.” But if that were the case, one would have expected the American economy to have been on a dramatic bull run. It was not. Despite the excesses of the housing boom, growth up to 2008 had been average” Crashed


“One of the side effects of Bernanke’s QE policy of low interest rates was that it made it hugely attractive for companies to borrow to buy out their competitors. In three giant merger waves, cresting in 2000, 2006 and 2015, with the antitrust authorities looking on, American capitalism remade itself in a more concentrated and monopolistic mode.”

“Everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jiggling and wiggling of atoms.” – Richard Feynman


You are trying in vain fool.. U know who best predicted climate change? Exxon, back in 80s. They had to know whether it would effect bi’ness you see.. Now u, paid hack by the climate lobby are trying to argue the oppo?

Talk to the hand ✋

Trump does have thick skin
 A convervative pundit once described him as “he has the hide of a tyrannosaurus”. It’s true. Most I Am CRMs are like this actually, because half the time they don’t hear a f-ing word you say.

When DJT seems thin skinned, it’s actually a want to respond to certain type of attack, in order to manage perceptions in an up-and-down game of “charisma-management”.

Brooks.. I keep blanking out on this guy’s name; the most non-descript, run-of-the-mill mother..ker I’ve ever seen as far as “thinkers” go. What’s this guy about? I get the occasional art ref bubble on my feed, I read it, then I forget. So funny.


“Perhaps even Trump was surprised by Mexico’s readiness to give in to his demands, and mobilize forces to slam the door shut on Central Americans seeking to make their way up to the United States. He still hasn’t gotten Mexico to pay for a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, but Trump can plausibly say that he is forcing Mexico itself to become the wall. “


Sarcasm noted.

“@aaronstein1 It’s crazy that people would be upset that one ally wants to run a stealth air training effort in airspace S400 monitors.”

25 C. Aaaahhhh

Actually new ed is both very simple and requires rethink. So none other than gov can reform it en masse.


Trump in NK. This is cool


The nonsense can be utilized by the other side just as easily


I wouldnt use poll numbers primarily to argue the potential effectieness of a certain policy position. The second Iraq War polled over 70% in 2003. Politicking, yeah, but even then combined w other issues, said issue might not matter much. The package is important, and that’s why ppl hone in on the candidates.

It’s hilarious Yahoo as a company is doing so bad that the word yahoo is back in common use bcz there is no chance of confusing it with this other thing anymore right? Haha. Thanx Yahoo.

Meaning Bosch & NEL got a competitor to supply other truck makers on fuel cell tech. Cummins is a huge name in diesel engines. And some are still busy with their bitch BEVs.

The action is elsewhere

“Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, all the issued and outstanding shares of fuel cell systems provider Hydrogenics Corporation”


Some try to argue the oppo bcz they want to sound PC. Dont do that. Look at the data.

“There are good reasons why, even in Democratic presidential primary campaigns, large majorities of black voters do end up supporting the same candidate.Political solidarity is not an innate characteristic of black America; it is a survival tactic that adverse experience has reinforced time and time again. Chattel slavery and Jim Crow paid little mind to the specific talents, abilities, and aspirations of each black person. Simply being a member of the race was sufficient to be disenfranchised and oppressed. Black Americans have been made acutely aware that their individual fates are linked to the wellbeing of the whole group”

I thought abt this the other day; elec cars really suck if u run out of battery too. If u run out of gas u can bring little gas, petro, fuel to the car and fill it. With BEV u have to bring a frickin charger to the car.

H2, ammonia is fuel based no prob there.

BEVs are a stupid idea however u look at it.

I am a sucker for simple, survival food items. Will try this asap. Currently on a diet of tarhana (a form of very nutrituous tr soup) and dried meat.

“A Finnish company that makes food from electricity, water and air has said it plans to have 50m meals’ worth of its product sold in supermarkets within two years.”


Catholic standing guard at the border so more Catholics won’t come through.. Sad isn’t it? Kinda fitting too if you ask me

Very good

“Exclusive: Investors with $34 trillion demand urgent climate change action”



“NPR resurfaces 1975 interview with Biden supporting constitutional amendment to end court-ordered busing”


Bezos is a huge Trekkie? Nice.

Birol from IEA

“In an encouraging sign, the United States, the European Union and Japan signed an agreement on the sidelines of the recent G20 meeting with energy and environment ministers to accelerate the development of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies.”


Dude, every dollar u spend on H2 as gov investment will come back as $10, $20. Nothing is a waste when it comes to this. Absolutely critical tech and mass adoption is within reach. I can feel it.

Good point on the stopping



Bernie made the best case for himself with the closing statement. If things have been going wrong for 40 yrs, u need to vote for the guy who is been saying that for 40 yrs to fix it.

“South African telecoms companies are hit by higher operating costs whenever load-shedding strikes. GenCell CEO Rami Reshef has argued that using hydrogen as a backup energy solution has the potential to greatly reduce the impact.

The company uses technology to generate hydrogen cheaply from ammonia. Reshef says that the price of ammonia is half or even a third of the equivalent weight of diesel, and that a business could use his solution to have enough power for several days. A report published by Rethink Technology and GenCell in 2018 estimated that a mobile operator in South Africa implementing the GenCell backup product on 1,000 of its sites could save $200m over ten years compared with diesel. Reshef says he is in negotiations with several mobile operators in South Africa.”


“@AWeigmannn China is putting its manufacturing and policy might behind #hydrogen fuel cells. The government wants 1 million #FCEVs on the roads in a decade and is seeding that plan with hundreds of millions of yuan to spur research and development”

Kamala.. good good. On busing. Biden lost 1 pt. It is especially important to hit him on race bcz he is building on being VP to Bam and his un-Trumpness is using race.