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Tweets - Week 29

Really? Ok then… Some in fandom were very worried last I checked.


Just saw some footage from @Terminator. Holy shit. Goosebumps. #SDCC”

Great research from Stanford addressing the intermittency problem



“$1.8 million US Army Grant Supports Development of H2-Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to demonstrate a liquid #hydrogen-powered UAV and refueling system”


Wut? J. Bamber is a Brit? Damn Brit actors do American accent too well. I heard the guy on diff show w genuine Brit accent, I tho “no American does Brit accent that good”. Turns out the fake accent was the 1st one (on BSG).

Naidu, da man.

Gr8 Optimal Control book.

What 50% is DJT talking abt? Approve is 42 disprove 52. Net = -10.

We wuz chased by kangs!

Melania Trump.. Is she a paisan? She’s got that Sophie Louren thing going on. Cat woman.. Meow.

Uh-Dough-nald, uh let’s do it in uh Roosevelt uh room uh.

Continuous rocks.

“[A Feynman story] The router of the Connection Machine [a startup Feynman joined, led by grad students] was the part of the hardware that allowed the processors to communicate. It was a complicated device; by comparison, the processors themselves were simple. Connecting a separate communication wire between each pair of processors was impractical since a million processors would require $10^{12]$ wires. Instead, we planned to connect the processors in a 20-dimensional hypercube so that each processor would only need to talk to 20 others directly. Because many processors had to communicate simultaneously, many messages would contend for the same wires. The router’s job was to find a free path through this 20-dimensional traffic jam or, if it couldn’t, to hold onto the message in a buffer until a path became free. Our question to Richard Feynman was whether we had allowed enough buffers for the router to operate efficiently [..]

By the end of that summer of 1983, Richard had completed his analysis of the behavior of the router, and much to our surprise and amusement, he presented his answer in the form of a set of partial differential equations. To a physicist this may seem natural, but to a computer designer, treating a set of boolean circuits as a continuous, differentiable system is a bit strange. Feynman’s router equations were in terms of variables representing continuous quantities such as “the average number of 1 bits in a message address.” I was much more accustomed to seeing analysis in terms of inductive proof and case analysis than taking the derivative of “the number of 1’s” with respect to time. Our discrete analysis said we needed seven buffers per chip; Feynman’s equations suggested that we only needed five. We decided to play it safe and ignore Feynman.

The decision to ignore Feynman’s analysis was made in September, but by next spring we were up against a wall. The chips that we had designed were slightly too big to manufacture and the only way to solve the problem was to cut the number of buffers per chip back to five. Since Feynman’s equations claimed we could do this safely, his unconventional methods of analysis started looking better and better to us. We decided to go ahead and make the chips with the smaller number of buffers.

Fortunately, he was right. When we put together the chips the machine worked.”


This is like shortest-path algo. A CS guy would be shitting bricks trying to solve a problem like this in discrete form. In continous realm, much easier.

Derivation of LQR through E-L, it will be a clean explanation.

Also optimal trajectory (really is a ‘solution’ of an ODE) through an elevation field is definitely a CalcVar problem. Treat flattest traj calc like fuel max for rocket lander, vertical moves consume more, hori less, minimize cost functional, find ODE, solve, get traj.

Year 2019 and I heard the words “anti-citizen” as a political label (in an attack but still). It’s a thing, the attack has some substance (generally speaking). It is mind boggling to me that this is a thing.

Some delirious road planning from Guizhou province China!



Plastic to H2? Woha

“Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade Backs Plastic Waste to Hydrogen Tech

The Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI) has formally endorsed UK technology firm, Powerhouse Energy’s, DMG plastic waste to hydrogen and electricity process.”

“Weeks of coding can save you hours of planning.” - Unknown

There are some bad smells coming out of Common Core, like, they are teaching basic arithmetic in a really weird way..?

Add this to the list of things getting worse as time goes by, not better.

The shared space, the places btw gov and the public are nearly completely infected. All bcz of these centrist-semi-techno jackasses wanting to do things a “new” way. Just DELIVER solid information (from the best researcher) in a new way - over video on the Net.

“Just teach my kid the [adjective] math”


Meh. Anything that is younger than 12,000 yrs belongs to a agro civ. All variation of a theme. The theme being you-know-what, “Close Encounters with the Four-Legged Kind”. Omigod! There are pots and pans! Grain storage! Of course - what else would there be?

Look some more, you’ll also see ancestral bones they worshipped.

Wait a little, u get organized crime, the pharaoh, the ceasar, the sultan.

(12K is from Gobeklitepe, unearthed in gobble gobble).

“9,000 Year-Old Settlement Discovered Near Jerusalem - i24NEWS English”


Testing new superfood concoction; milk powder with iron and calcium, oats with dried fruits, dried kidney beans, all ground in a blender turned into powder.

Will check it out

Found this gem in an Opt Control Theory book. Euler was the boss.

“Because the shape of the whole universe is most perfect and, in fact, designed by the wisest Creator, nothing in all of the world will occur in which no maximum or minimum rule is somehow shining forth – Euler”

“George Kerevan’s warning about the downside of battery electric cars is telling indeed. The dependence on the democratic Republic of Congo as the main source of the cobalt necessary to recharge lithium batteries is surely environmentally and morally unsustainable in the long run.”


“Current electrolyzers need costly distilled or deionized water as feedstock. Our disruptive technology uses tap, ground or sea water. “

“Disruptive technology producing pure hydrogen from virtually any water source; tap water, ground water, wastewater, and seawater.”


Really. Do tell.


Incredible. For the second time, the Pentagon scheduled a briefing about Turkey and the S-400, and 30 minutes later cancelled it. Things are not well.”

Boot-Edge-Edge, He/Him/His Beto. Not even worth talking about anymore.

“Trump ally Lindsey Graham says president should ‘admit climate change is real”



If all Americans had health care, 45,000 who died for lack of adequate insurance might be spared and there would be 530,000 fewer bankruptcies per annum. “

It was a fantastic video.


Looking back, I think the magnetism project from @minutephysics and @veritasium was one of the more influential videos sewing the seeds that ultimately made me want to put out YouTube lessons. A great example of using visuals to communicate a deep idea.”



In-app game payments are ruining families. It’s an absolute travesty that Apple (and Google, I guess) doesn’t outlaw or at least offer default circuit breakers for this predatory model”



The next ECB-EU organised property bubble (in Germany this time, ECB running out of countries where they had not yet caused a property bubble) gathering momentum.”


Some funny answers in the thread too.. (4IR is “4th Indust Rev”).

My most favorite drone design so far

A hexacopter! Looks like a UFO! UDI U845 WiFi Voyager.

The design actually makes a lot of sense. I dont like the rotors sticking out as in most quadcopters. This is a hexacopter and rotors are protected in little circles.

Kamala surely seems to support M4A by mistake, a lot.

He/Him/His Beto finds slaveholders in ancestry. Here is an idea, do your own reperations. Take some of that wealth (apparenty based on slavery) and give some of it to the ancestors of those slaves?

Le Space Force?

That is bullshit. Only 2% of our labor is required to feed everyone (farm employment). The rest, industrial production, is already being taken over by robots. Most software is developed by the few. We can easily sustain everyone.

This is how these ppl think: “hmm growth of … percent required to fund… program, at … tax rates, let’s project that…. “.

Forget all the garbage economics in between producer and the consumer; at point t, can u feed ppl or not? Yes. Then we can get them the goods and services. You just rearrange the middle part to fit the rest, not the other way around.

Don’t be an imbecile. A dildo could connect these dots.

“The fertility rate of the population is not enough to sustain itself”

Actually I kinda like the hood getting wilder, it’ll shake-up sluggish, sceloritic Mediterrenians, maybe they will innovate more.


For the first time in recent memory a small hurricane hit Greece this year… large temperature differences typically not seen in Mediterane are increasingly the new normal.”

The move at the end was awesome


We wuz kangs

Yes, get ready for job displacing AI


Even without the so-called “general intelligence” which we are light years away from, even existing tech is enough to displace millions.

Oh it’s coming

Uwww.. slam.


“Your government is harvesting organs from millions of LIVE political prisoners. And you want to criticize Washington DC’s perceived racial distribution? [in response to this]”

Dude. Motherlode. #python #science


8.4.3, The Belousov-Zhabotinski (BZ) Reaction looks interesting, has the model, has code. Chemistry, DEs, and Python, and much more.

The book is riffing on the Strogatz lectures in a major way, I remember the BZ reaction from vids.

I can’t imagine neighboring countries are too enthused about these developments. The so-called nine-dashed line looks like land grab, sorry, sea grab.

“China Likely Tested Missiles That Can Kill Aircraft Carriers in the South China Sea. The missile tests are the latest installment in China’s effort to put steel behind its claims to “indisputable sovereignty” over the waters, skies, and land features within the “nine-dashed line” it has sketched on the map of Southeast Asia. The nine-dashed line encloses some 80-90 percent of the South China Sea, including not just contested Spratly and Paracel islands, atolls, and reefs”


Now I started to feel bad for the cretens of NYT. If you are not connected to tech / science in a personal, hands-on way, it’s really really hard to comment abt a lot of major soc change that is related to tech (which is nearly everything).

We are doing fine on tooling. Thanks to open source.


Every time I come back to Sympy it’s such a treat. I know we’re all in love with fordward-and-reverse-mode AD [used in deep learning] but actually being able to do interesting symbolic algebra in python is so much more powerful for my applications, and it’s also such a joy to use.”


Jo Bamford, the son of billionaire digger tycoon Lord Bamford, is plotting a revolution on the buses – by powering thousands with #hydrogen.”


Weekdays - work. Weekends - fun reading related to … work. So always work. But it’s fun.



Yes, the US economy grew faster in the 1800s because it was an emerging market, not because of the gold standard.

But, if we want to say it boomed faster because of the GS then we should also say it also busted more often and more deeply [in response to this]”

Ha ha



In the academic world, one approach dominated. The IS-LM model that John Hicks and Alvin Hansen had separately extracted, formulated and codified from Keynes’s General Theory had become the fundamental way of thinking about the macroeconomy: a set of behavioral equations determined ‘equilibrium’ …

. . (A modified version of that approach remains the preferred tool of undergraduate teaching today).

Leijonhufvud got something entirely different from reading the General Theory. The more he looked at his footnotes, originally written in puzzlement at the disparity between what he took to be the Keynesian message and the orthodox Keynesianism of his time, the more confident he felt. The implications were amazing. Had the whole discipline catastrophically misunderstood Keynes’ deeply revolutionary ideas?

Thread on 90s movies. Hah.


“SOFIAtelescope is a Boeing 747SP aircraft modified to carry a 106-inch telescope.”


Bernie: “20% are in jail bcz they cannot afford cash bail”. Crazy.

Finally finished reading the awesomeness that was Crashed. What a great piece of work. Will probably reread it soon.

The huge wind and solar project planned for the Pilbara region of West Australian has grown in scope again – and will now aim to build 15GW of wind and solar capacity as it focuses on encouraging local industry and the “green” hydrogen domestic and export market.
