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Tweets - Week 38


Just over 5 kilos of hydrogen deliver a 300+ mile range for a full-sized car, about twice the output of an equivalent amount of #petrol.

More replies to the post below;


When I started learning about Canadian politics, I leaned liberal. Then I’ve learned about Tommy Douglas and started leaning towards the NDP.

As soon as I ran into the #COMER issue and found out that the NDP is the only party who had monetary reform in their platform, my support pretty much cemented. Then, Bernie happened and I became a socialist.


Raised religious center-right in Idaho. Didn’t realize I was a conservative until college in Washington. Changing my politics and faith were intertwined: hated Sarah Palin and wondered if my disagreement with her politics meant I couldn’t be a Christian anymore. /1 profs at my Christian college modeled how progressive politics and compassion-based faith could fuel each other. I was sold. So grateful for the transformation.


Three events: 1) 2000 “election,” 2) Iraq War, 3) 2008 crash


Grew up with Christian conservative grandparents but saw the effects of conservative policies on my heavily impoverished mother. Soon as I could vote, I did, and it sure as hell wasn’t for conservatives.


Ultra right-wing mom had us listen to Nazi recorded messages. A preteen, I somehow thought they made sense. The turning point was I moved to progressive Columbia Md and got exposed to a more diverse crowd, progressive views. Briefly moved to Bible Belt 🤮 which sealed the deal.”

Press 1 for Spiderman, 2 for Yoda. And press 3 for Jar Jar universe

Hi there [name], thanks for pressing 3. Story begins..Spiderman is pregnant he doesn’t know why, Yoda is bitten by radioactive spider, he becames Hulk, they are both depressed for not being PC in their life choices. They also badly want to play a sidekick to a female, or better, bisexual transgender character. Have a nice sleep.


Today I learned Disney has a bedtime hotline you can call where you can speak to a Disney character (including Yoda and Spiderman) and they’ll tell your kid to go to sleep. If that’s not vertical integration I don’t know what is”

Mars cannot be terraformed.


Tesla In Sweden Goes Up In Flames After Passenger Seat Catches Fire


Lachlan Patterson. Good stuff.


Dem candidates could tout H2 plants; in terms of labor they would be equal to a refinery IMO.

“The Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery, the largest and oldest on the U.S. East Coast, closed its doors in August after a massive fire, idling more than 1,000 employees including some 650 union workers” – Reuters

Sippin Bordeaux out in Bordeaux

SR’s value on itw own is useful too; positive, the greater the better. People usually seek values close to 1.0. If, per unit volatility (risk), the average return is close to 1.0, that would be a preferable asset.

Man speaka the truth. Here is a SR demo on one piece of a recent slowdown.

Sharpe Ratio calculates asset (stock, bond) returns in volatility (risk) terms. I could hold bonds at certain volatility and earn, hold stock at higher volatility and earn. At higher risk you’d expect better return, but how do you compare? For SR we divide both returns by vol so we can compare apples to apples.

(IEF is 7-10 year treasury bond ETF)

import as web
import datetime
start_d=datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1)
end_d=datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1)
df1 = web.DataReader("SPY", 'yahoo', start_d, end_d)
df2 = web.DataReader("IEF", 'yahoo', start_d, end_d)
def sharpe(series):
   dailyret = series.pct_change()
   return np.sqrt(252)*np.mean(excessRet)/np.std(excessRet)

print (sharpe(df1['Adj Close']))
print (sharpe(df2['Adj Close']))

Chan is an experienced quantitative trader. Listen to the man.


In recession, stocks’ Sharpe=-0.21, bonds’ Sharpe=+1.33. In expansion, stocks’ Sharpe=+0.84, bonds’ Sharpe=+1.5. Can anyone explain to me again why we should buy stocks?”

“A Lunar Space Elevator Is Actually Feasible & Inexpensive, Scientists Find…

The concept of a moon elevator isn’t new…But the Columbia study differs from previous proposal in an important way: instead of building the elevator from the Earth’s surface (which is impossible with today’s technology), it would be anchored on the moon and stretch some 200,000 miles toward Earth until hitting the geostationary orbit height (about 22,236 miles above sea level), at which objects move around Earth in lockstep with the planet’s own rotation.

Dangling the space elevator at this height would eliminate the need to place a large counterweight near Earth’s orbit to balance out the planet’s massive gravitational pull if the elevator were to be built from ground up”


The message is two-fold; lawmakers, officials - act like it. Voters - don’t change. You are already great at what you do, deciding on people.

True. BSG was colored a lot by 9/11, the Iraq War.

There is a huge empty hole where a big-tent scifi show should be; It was Trek, SGate, then nothing.. BSG, show’em how it’s done.


So say we all


Hah. The first Uhura actress from Trek OS wanted to quit the show (the role was a glorified space secretary) but MLK convinced her to stay. It was the days of civil right protests and he thought her presence was a positive message for the movement. Turns out MLK was a huge Trekkie 🖖


Enapter .. New manufacturing process reduces costs by 20 percent and increases production capacity eightfold for more affordable hydrogen generation”


He said “a Republic if you can keep it”, not “after we ran a focus-group we determined a Republic is requested by most and you can also later decide, with another focus-group, about what you can do with it”.

“Ew molecules so dirty…icky. Why can’t I put my Macbook Pro batteries on a car?”. Fucktard.

So out of all the ways planets can rotate around their sun, they mostly end up on the same plane with other planets, essentially on a 2D flat structure. Nice huh?

Most planet systems are coplanar, so 1st you get on nearest planet system’s plane. Then maybe the galaxy manual says right-hand rule on starboard facing first planet’s rotation.. is up? :D

I am a problem solver.

Still tho, nothing can beat this movie

10 out of 10.

“Nail biting”. “A rollercoaster”.


How about the country name Niger? This is a real country in Africa. But one more g and we are in censor category.. I think we are better off striking this country from maps altogether to avoid any unwanted offense.


Really? You can’t say “niggardly” anymore either?

Referandums need to be outlawed

“Its a pity that before the referendum nobody in the UK was strong enough to say.. ‘This is a lie. You tried to win votes with lies” #Brexit


“Former JP Morgan trader pleads guilty to manipulating US metals markets for years”

I like the accent

Determining direction, seeing all the angles takes the most time, and feels like non-work; the grind is always preferable, but not always possible.

It’s true; Dirac delta function is like an imaginary number, $x^2=-1$ cannot be satisfied by any real number. And no ordinary func can be non-zero except at one point.

But.. but.. countercyclical, if private doesn’t spend, then, aggregate demand, or something..?


Voit writes a blog called Not Even Wrong; the name is a dig into String Theory, because a theory must be falsifiable, you can’t twist and bend with every experiment (“well it could say that too”), you have to take a stand and either be right or wrong, but ST is none of these things. The theory is “not even wrong”, because it doesn’t say anything.

“[On Sean Carroll] Using your public platform to tell people that the way to understand quantum mechanics is that the world splits depending on what you decide to do is simply What the Bleep? level stupidity. Those in the physics and science communication communities who care about the public understanding of quantum mechanics should think hard about what they can do to deal with this situation. They may however come to the same conclusion I’ve just reached: best to ignore him, which I’ll try to do from now on” – Voit


Mostly unknown piece of history: Paulson allowed Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt to show the Congress what would happen if they didnt play ball.


Massive $$ exodus from HK & China now flooding into Syd & Melb getting out at ANY cost while they can with HKD still pegged USD OK against AUD/NZD. Let’s see if Aust Govt FIRB loosens investor controls? They will pay ANYTHING maybe even for defective unit blocks..”


On a different note, all attacks on fossil infrastructure are awesome. I’d love to see some Independence Day level shit done to these effers.

“Irish teenager wins global science award for removing microplastics from water”


When I was in America there were books in stores (there were bookstores!) with titles like Maestro, talking about the genius of Greenspan. It feels like a lifetime ago.

GF says Iran did it.


In finance you can make a billion with a single decision - this should not be possible. Not only does it create inequality, it also creates unwanted risk in the system.

I’ll let you in a secret: there is always socialism. The question is whether it is socialism for the rich, or socialism for the poor. If 1.8 trillion dollars are transferred from middle class to upper class annually through taxing, and other schemes, clearly the existing scheme is socialism for the rich.

“But we dont want socialism for people, giving them free stuff”

A reminder: Obama was a proponent of battery electric cars.

This could be hard for bitch bev lovers to hear but the calculation is clear.

My guess, if the long-range goes, the short range will go with it. “Betamax has great quality!”. “I’ll have Betamax player for my good movies, VHS for normal ones”.

It don’t work that way.

“Nikola is a perfect example of a use case ideally suited to hydrogen vehicles. Even if you could drastically increase the range and charging speed of current electric drivetrains, long-haul trucking presents two huge barriers to electrification.

First, batteries are heavy. While high efficiency can compensate for that in passenger cars, trucks have a bigger problem. Commercial trucks are weight restricted to a gross vehicle weight of 80,000 pounds on most highways. That means that, if your electric powertrain weighs 5,000 pounds more than a traditional powertrain, your maximum amount of cargo (and therefore revenue) has a lower ceiling.

Additionally, long-haul trucks drive a lot. The hint is in the name. If you’re covering hundreds of thousands of miles per year, even with a high range you’re going to be doing a lot of fast charging every year. Fast charging degrades batteries, which means that the life of your huge battery pack isn’t going to be as long as your business may require.

And because routes can be planned and optimized, companies can use hydrogen trucks on routes with fueling infrastructure as they wait for large-scale availability”


Fred Koch was a Nazi? He even hired a Nazi nanny for Charles and David. Too funny.



We had a newtec bubble, we had a subprime bubble and now we have a debt bubble. We hear the mantra this is different. Yes it is, this bubble is the biggest we ever had. The Martians will hear the Boom when it bursts”

“The neoliberal revolution that has been underway since the mid-1970s fundamentally reoriented American governance toward the interests of capital. While the distance between government and the so-called private sector was never that great, all pretense that government served the broader public interest was cast aside in favor of state-corporatism. This wasn’t simply a matter of privatizing the public realm— it overlaid a capitalist rationale on all public undertakings.

This re-conceptualization of the public purpose turned state functions into profit making opportunities for private interests. Defense of the realm became producing, selling and deploying arms for profit. Public education, already variably and poorly funded, was redefined using bogus metrics to be bled dry by private corporations. American health care, the most expensive in the world with close to the worst health outcomes, now funds a parasite class of multi-millionaire health insurance executives…

Whether the result of naivete, ideological blinders, ignorance of history or cynical calculation, for four-plus decades the view has been that the public interest is best served by private interests. And while political spectacle has been concentrated in and around the presidency, neoliberal ideology and practice have been instantiated at every level of government. While this facilitates capital-friendly policies, it creates a near impenetrable barrier to challenging rule by capital.

As plausible as accidental history is in many realms, this isn’t the case with the instantiation of neoliberal state-corporatism. From the think tanks funded by rich capitalist ideologues in the 1960s and 1970s, neoliberalism has been programmatically embedded into every nook and cranny of American governance. Engineered so that nothing short of wholesale insurrection can dislodge it, this is exactly what the resulting maldistribution and social dysfunction are now making inevitable.

With the background problems of environmental crisis, unhinged militarism and political economy that long ago ran off the rails, the upcoming presidential election offers the potential to be significant for the first time in decades. With Bernie Sanders in the running, the choice is no longer just between figureheads who front for capital and the oligarchs, but between said figureheads and a fundamental realignment of political priorities back toward the public interest.

This is to grant a lot to Mr. Sanders and the broader context of American politics. Partly as a result of the pre-neoliberal age in which he spent his early years and partly through a moral compass centered on the public interest, Mr. Sanders alone amongst modern presidential candidates is capable of expanding the idea of the public interest to include the large swath of the U.S.— and importantly, outside of it, whose economic fortunes were cast asunder through neoliberal reforms and plunder”


Technion Researchers improve[d] efficiency of [electrolysis based] hydrogen production from ~75% using current methods to 98.7%


“More manufacturing would be nice, but it won’t create many jobs. The best way to improve the lives of American workers it is to improve the terms of the jobs that they actually hold: raising [or complementing] the salaries of restaurant workers barely able to feed their families; providing paid leave for child-care providers who cannot care for their own children; securing benefits [for healthcare M4A] for warehouse workers who lack insurance because they are employed as contractors”


The absurdity of grades, with a great example.



“Much like the Fed, as some would say, Jim Cramer has a dual mandate: to entertain and to pump up the markets. He is certainly excellent as an entertainer. But this morning on CNBC’s ‘Squawk Box’ he let bleed through just how concerned he is about the stock market that is teetering at the top to such an extent that a single, messy, overhyped company going public will ‘screw up’ the entire market”


A new report from the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Energy seeks to assess the signs of whether there will be a gradual or a rapid “energy transition.” In other words, will global economies switch from fossil fuels to renewable energies slowly or all at once? … However, the report omits a crucial piece of technological development from its forecast: batteries.

The few times batteries are mentioned, they are generally referred to as “storage,” because batteries are essentially just storage containers for electricity or power. The report draws conclusion like, ‘Even as penetration [of renewable power] rises, technologies such as storage and demand response are likely to make higher levels of penetration cheaper’. This is serious flaw with the conclusions and forecasts because we do not yet have that technology to make better and cheaper batteries, and we don’t know when or if we will.


Already making a movie on that college admission scandal..? Michael Shanks (of TV Stargate fame) is in it. Who plays Felicity Hoffman? That actress from Desparate Housewives could totally play her.. Oh wait, that was F. Hoffman. 😐


“Boeing used its political connections to monopolize the American aerospace industry and corrupt its regulators. In the 1990s, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas merged, leaving America with just one major producer of civilian aircraft. Before this merger, when there was a competitive market, Boeing was a wonderful company. As journalist Jerry Useem put it just 20 years ago, ‘Boeing has always been less a business than an association of engineers devoted to building amazing flying machines’”


This all comes form a moronic need to fight orange Hitler. You don’t have to do anything. In its own pace things were improving already. But that’s not the real problem is it? The real problem is the top 20%, corporatists / centrists Democrats need these issues to reaffirm their political status which does not care about economics anymore, and this sorry excuse of “social policy” is all they have left. Said approach not only does not work, it triggers an adverse reaction on the other side.

Upcoming TV series: Dune: The Sisterhood 😂😂😂😂

Dude why don’t you name them all like that. CIS: The Sisterhood. Or NCIS: Cuck.


Having two kids is not unlike having two servers for redundancy, except instead of failing over, each one of them wakes up the very millisecond the other one falls asleep”

Yes, fracking truly accelerated under Bama’s watch. US did chose between env and econ, and chose wrong.


Obama: ‘The development of natural gas will create jobs and power trucks and factories that are cleaner and cheaper, proving that we don’t have to choose between our environment and our economy’”

From Appelbaum earlier: “A dominant company might provide the best service at the lowest price, but economic efficiency was not the goal of public policy. In 1962, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Brown Shoe Company could not buy the G. R. Kinney Company because the deal would let the combined company sell shoes at lower prices, and that would place its smaller competitors at a disadvantage””.

The ruling is still about economic efficiency actually; the difference is on what timeframe… If we let competition die for “better service”, we might get somewhat of an efficiency immediately, but would lose long term efficiency later. After the competition is wiped out, there’ll be less innovation, and the dominant company might even raise prices because they are not threatened by others anymore.

Things will get heated of course, stop whining. Julian Jorge landed a good one #demdebate

The debate was almost unwatchable except Bernie and few others. Yang keeps producing ideas.



Aviation is essentially a fossil fuel industry: It ‘guzzles an eye-watering 5m barrels of oil every day’”

Caliphate Islam is paganized Islam. The caliph, the pope, centralized religions - all the same shit. These places need “culture cleansing”.

Catholicism is paganized faux-Christianity

“Prior to the time of [Roman emperor] Constantine’s “conversion,” Christians were persecuted not so much for their profession of faith in Christ, but because they would not include pagan deities in their faith as well. Then, with Constantine’s emphasis on making his new-found Christianity palatable to the heathen in the Empire, the “Christianization” of these pagan deities was facilitated. For example, pagan rituals and idols gradually took on Christian meanings and names and were incorporated into “Christian” worship (e.g., “saints” replaced the cult of pagan gods in both worship and as patrons of cities; mother/son statues were renamed Mary and Jesus; etc.), and pagan holidays were reclassified as Christian holy days (e.g., the Roman Lupercalia and the feast of purification of Isis became the Feast of the Nativity; the Saturnalia celebrations were replaced by Christmas celebrations; an ancient festival of the dead was replaced by All Souls Day, rededicated to Christian heroes [now Halloween]; etc.). A transition had occurred – instead of being persecuted for failure to worship pagan deities, Christians who did not agree with the particular orthodoxy backed by the Emperor were now persecuted in the name of Christ! “Christianized” Rome had become the legitimate successor of pagan Rome! This is the sad origin of the Roman Catholic Church as it compromised from the very beginning


“ECB governors representing the top European economies defied Mario Draghi’s ultimately successful bid to restart quantitative easing, according to officials with knowledge of the matter.

The unprecedented revolt took place during a fractious meeting where Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau joined more traditional hawks including his Dutch colleague Klaas Knot and Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann in pressing against an immediate resumption of bond purchases, the people said. They spoke on condition of anonymity, because such discussions are confidential.

Those three governors alone represent roughly half of the euro region as measured by economic output and population. Other dissenters included, but weren’t limited, to their colleagues from Austria and Estonia, as well as members on the ECB’s Executive Board including Sabine Lautenschlaeger and the markets chief, Benoit Coeure, the officials said”
