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Tweets - Week 46


“Leaked documents from the Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s office indicate complex money transfers from foreign sources into the control of a “slush fund” owned and operated by Devon Archer, John Kerry Senior, John Kerry Junior, Heinz Jr, and Hunter Biden.”

Store energy, desalinate at the same time. Crazy.

“Non-noble metal-nitride based electrocatalysts for high-performance alkaline seawater electrolysis”


Good time to think abt which open source software / how much to take in a digital luggage to another planet? OS, numerical software, compilers, for sure. How much of Github could 1 take I wonder.

Great idea.

“@valleyhack Unusual one here. Went to Svalbard with the CEO of GitHub because they’ve stored the world’s open source software in an ice cave for safe keeping”



When I bought my Tesla Model 3, it had 386km of range.

I’ve already lost 200km+ of range due to cold weather”


Some like SNG (synthetic natural gas) which can be used like NG, created by mixing H2 with CO2. But SNG is methane just like NG, that is worrying, for leakage. I stick to the position where fossil converted into H2 at the source, then all the way down the line fuel stays clean. This is the safest choice.

Excellent. They also bought a TR bus company recently, so they could be another entry vector for our favorite green fuel into the country.

HySiLabs has a new H2 carrier tech, called Hydrasil. Works at room temp, a liquid, converts to H2 on demand through simple process.

Quickie deal with EU after exit? Verhofstadt says it took 7 years to make a deal with Canada… Canada! A bigger market for the EU than UK. I bet the reason it took so long is that these deals are a form of regulatory sync, a merger so to speak. Then the question for UK is why try to re-merge with EU when you are already merged? Already on the best deal ever! (outside of Euro, with bunch of eased requirements, rebates, so on).


These are the most important 40 seconds of this entire General Election. Twice the BBC asked Boris Johnson if he would rule out more NHS privatisation. Twice he refused to say yes.

Ops talked to the wrong Remainer


“The Federal Aviation Administration, which approved the design of the jet in 2017, dropped the ball on many fronts, the Joint Authorities Technical Review found”


Good call. I wont fly in that f-ing thing - telling u right now.

“Boeing orders sink as customers opt to swap MAX”


One of the benefits of engineering education (not CS) having taken a course on Autocad. I might get on this 3D printing craze one day.

Shaq-Fu. I know a guy who knows a guy who played this game. Vintage 90s. Legendary.


No. Let me clear this to you, my colleagues.

The missing piece from our models, with relative high certainty, is the banking sector.

If it’s broken (“zombified”), the mon. policy transmission mechanism does not work.

You’re welcome. 🙂”




🦄What Monday looks like.

Expectation vs reality”



How long does an electron stay in the BESSY II storage ring?Round and round it goes for up to 10 hours during which it travels the equivalent of the distance between the sun and earth about 75 times!!!”

Stoller, Goliath

“[T]he musical Hamilton .. offered a capstone to the era of the Watergate Baby generation. The musical celebrated a telling of history in which Alexander Hamilton, the founding father Democrats had traditionally associated with the banker-friendly Republican Party and a self-proclaimed elitist who created Wall Street and distrusted democracy, had somehow become an icon of progressive thinking and national greatness. He had become a left-wing political hero, instead of the traditional enemy of democracy that historians—and members of the Democratic Party—understood him as for two hundred years … Obama said that enjoying Hamilton was the only thing he and Republican Dick Cheney—the former vice president—agreed on. The musical reflected an ideological takeover, not left or right, but a joint attack on populism”.

DACA: If u spend ur formative years in US, like the Dreamers, you are culturally from there. WH ‘hostage taking” i.e. Dreamers for the Wall did not work. What’s the use for the intransigence on this?

“The constants of our universe seem to be perfectly dialed, how come?” and “constants are probably result of set of formulas we havent discovered yet”. The 2nd statement answers the 1st question. Since 20+ constants are a cop-out anyway, result of yet undiscovered formulas that describes something optimal, no need to worry abt what would happen if constant X was off by .0001. It would not be because the not-yet discovered formula would replace it completely. Constant X is just a placeholder, a result of our ignorence.

Yes this is fine, granted they can do 100% carbon capture while generating H2. But Im pretty sure they can.

“The Australian, Japanese and Victorian Governments alongside a consortium of companies, will begin piloting an innovative project that will see brown coal from the AGL Loy Yang mine converted into hydrogen.

Through this process the hydrogen will be transported by road to a liquefaction terminal at the Port of Hastings before being shipped to Japan for use in fuel cell electric vehicles and power generation”


“Today’s Electric Car Batteries Will Be Tomorrow’s E-Waste Crisis, Scientists Warn”


Last time I went to TR Kitchen for dinner must have been on Mar 1 2003, or the day before. I bought Mar 1 edition of NYT and the cover had this

It was the parliamentary vote on allowing US mil for an attack on Iraq. Guy with the mustache is from the center left party, the sign says “No To War”.

I remember showing the cover to the attendant while waiting to be seated. Tigger was worried, prob on econ etc reasons, but also, for fear of his resto being attacked or something. Who knows who the next enemy would be then? I was happy abt the vote.

Feels like ages ago. We all got the shit kicked out of us since, didn’t we?

“Equilibrium thinking in economics has clearly traceable historical roots. Chapter 1 of Eric Beinhocker’s book is a wonderful summary of where it comes from. In short: it comes from equilibrium thermodynamics — the study of gases, liquids, solids, under conditions where everything is allowed to come to rest. This field developed in the 19th century when people were interested in steam engines. In other words, it was all about gases in boxes (steam in cylinders).

Social researchers of the 19th century were impressed by the success of this branch of science, and also by its similarity to economics. A gas is a macroscopic thing, characterized by macroscopic properties — temperature, pressure, volume. But it consists of many microscopic constituents (molecules) whose interactions collectively create the macroscopic state. The study of macroscopic properties arising from microscopic interactions is called statistical mechanics. That really does sound like economics: an economy is a macroscopic thing, characterized by macroscopic properties such as GDP and trade balances, and those macroscopic properties arise from myriad microscopic constituents (people) interacting with each other.

So far so good. I completely agree with the analogy at this level: economics really is about a lot of microscopic constituents generating macroscopic behavior. But… what was done in 19th-century thermodynamics and statistical mechanics was based on the assumption that things are well described as being in equilibrium. That is not the case in economics (we have growth), and a lot of equilibrium intuition simply doesn’t apply”


Storage tech for H2 always piques my interest. Grand.


It looks like water. But it is an oil storing great amounts of #hydrogen”


Seinfeld is right - Bernie Mac was one of the best. Definitely top 5.

Number One, I order you to go take a Number Two.

Wright and Nocedal.. huge names in optimization

Michel Camilo - Repercussions #music


It’s the culture codes, hands down. CC resides in emotional brain, and built up while growing up, the human pshyce forms it from its environment, subconciously checking / re-checking.. Codes have to do with our adaptation, social skills most likely. NN is bunch of shit lectured on in school, top-down, it has very little lasting effect. You hear the dumbass narrative, then get out of class, and hear your family, friends make fun of them. That takes precedence and what we remember the most.

“Between culture codes and national narrative (taught in schools) which one is more effective?”

YES. Huge report: Road Map to a US #Hydrogen Economy released. Written by:


Interesting tidbit from G. Friedman. France likes to stay apart from US, and want to be seen as a leader. They saw a chance during before the Iraq War but it backfired. The Eastern Europe freaked out abt a possible entente with Russia and bolted. This dynamic is probably still there.

”Analysts believe the IMO target can only be met by introducing zero-emissions fuels such as #hydrogen and ammonia”

But my heritage.. my heritage.. Your heritage is apple pie, Itchy & Scratchy, rap and Top Gun. Get used to it.

Don’t let your ego write checks your body can’t cash.

Kamala started taking a nosedive mid July-ish, and most of her votes went to Warren (the pink line).

From Morning Consult.

Warren took from Kamala, we talked abt Bernie-Warren correlation before.

Paper authors R. Jayachandran and R. Sachidhanandham. Right on.

Haha dude is on his soapbox I love it

“It is always irritating to me when important researchers say, or imply, that theory is not important for methods intended to solve real problems. I could not disagree more. A theorem should say what happens when a method is applied to a problem when the hypotheses hold. It is a proof of correctness for the algorithm on the class of problems satisfying the hypotheses. It is not that the hypotheses should be checked before the algorithm is used. I will try to make my point with a simple example: the theory says that a square matrix is positive definite iff the Cholesky decomposition of that matrix exists. But, we do not check to see that the matrix is positive definite before attempting the decomposition. If the decomposition fails, then we know”


Buttigieg actually said (live) “my life experience” makes me more qualified than the other candidates.

He’s 38 and got 8000 votes in a small city in Indiana and could not win a state-wide race. His record as mayor is not exactly stellar”

That’s hilarious


In Iceland it is not a crime to escape from prison: the law recognizes that inmates, like all human beings, are naturally entitled to freedom, and thus cannot be punished for seeking it”



Another radical speech by some leftie, tree-hugging hippy & her watermelon anti-capitalist views wanting to tear down society”



UK media is now on a war footing. Literally stunning levels of propaganda; anything goes to stop Corbyn. The enemy is the public, it cannot be allowed to prevail over elite interests. UK system reveals itself at these times – anti-democratic, authoritarian, ruthless”

Imagine trying to charge a UAS with bitch batteries in the middle of combat

“Labour is to present its most radical manifesto ever in the coming days with plans to introduce a universal basic income and drastic measures to tackle the climate emergency, John McDonnell has said”



Daily Mail: Owned by Billionaire …

The Telegraph: Owned by Billionaires

The Times: Owned by Billionaire

The Metro: Owned by Billionaire

Evening Standard: Owned by Billionaire

Do you seriously think these billionaires have YOUR best interests at heart?”

I guess the upside of living somewhere with lots of snow, ice would be no problem finding water. As long as u dont freeze ur ass off at night (also find some food, but there’d be fish) it would be a-ok.

The funny thing is CH is probably copying US on a lot macro stuff. They figured early on riding on the big trends of US makes their jobs easier. There was a BEV trend they followed it, AI, follow it.. . US built a spying dragnet, and so did they.

“Hydrogen Boride Nanosheets: A Promising Material for Hydrogen Carrier”


I wish a JP-SK consortium bought it and had it generate clean fuel at the source.

“The world’s largest share sale – Saudi Aramco – to start Nov. 17”

And the future is now.

“Turkey’s Leopard 2 Tanks Are Getting Crushed in Syria”


It’s true - Bam could be un-American, possibly Indonesian at that subconcious cultural level. But that’s fine - in 2008 many voters probably wanted someone un-American, bcz there was a string of screw-ups until than by “Americans”.

This also explains the success of Trump’s birther attack on him, the attack wasn’t truly about Bam’s legal birth, but an underhanded reference his possible cultural affinity.

“If around age 7 is defining for culture, Obama might not be American culturally”

Idea: UBI but only for boomers in return for leaving the workplace and never to come back.

Watched the Bloom interview - there was fear in his eyes. That explains why he jumped in at this stage, so late in the game.

Odd.. Wasn’t the cause of the release the intel Bol leaked on Car Wash, intel given to him by US?

I guess like DJT, he wouldn’t like his country’s deep state either, that’s motive enough.

“Brazil’s Bolsonaro swipes at newly released Lula”


“Unprecedented” fires burning in Australian bushfire crisis - more than twice number ever recorded, after Australia’s hottest summer ever, worsening drought and little rainfall

Stoller, Goliath

“The high technology of the 1920s—automobiles, electric utilities, chemicals, airplanes, radio—generated massive wealth. But this wealth wasn’t really paid out to workers in the form of higher wages. Machine ​guns in the mines, and a legal framework biased against unions, made sure of that… And the Mellon [the long-time ultra-cap treasury sec] tax cuts took away the last mechanism for democratic forces to structure the political economy; the profits of the decade did not pass into government hands. By 1928, the top one percent of the population received nearly a quarter of all income. This excess income flooded into the stock market, and into speculation. At the same time, the Federal Reserve, created by Wilson to give the public control over banking, was instead controlled by shortsighted private bankers who could not or would not stop speculative bubbles. It was a dangerously unstable system” -

Book claims Patman inspired, set the stage for what was to follow, basically FDR’s New Deal.

Sounds like he knew his shit - so he was a technocrat. Being technocrat is not bad - more left technocrats are needed.

“This thirty-nine-year-old radical had an owlish face, an accountant’s glasses, and a scrupulously polite demeanor. Yet in picking a fight with Mellon, he put into the crosshairs the entire old order of finance-friendly politics that had organized American politics during most of the years since the 1870s. This conflict would set the stage for a forty-six-year career in Congress working to constrain the money lords.

His influence in the Democratic Party was profound. Much of mid-century banking law bears his stamp, and he used his perch to launch investigations against banks, foundations, and corrupt government agencies. Sam Ealy Johnson, Lyndon Johnson’s father, told LBJ that when he went to Washington, D.C., as a congressman, if he was ever unsure of how to vote on a bill, he should follow Patman’s lead, as Patman was for the people…

Patman was always fascinated with politics. As a high schooler, his hobby was reading the Congressional Record, and he would do so even while plowing fields. “It will stack up like cordwood if you don’t use it right,” he said. “But you can use it right, and you’ll get an education out of it.”34 While a teenager, he was imbibing the monetary debates of the early 1900s, the years of Teddy Roosevelt fighting his first major antitrust case with J. P. Morgan over Northern Securities, the monetary collapse of 1907 leading to the founding of the Federal Reserve, and the third presidential campaign of William Jennings Bryan” – Stoller, Goliath

Lula is freed 🍺

“Vulnerability In Ring Doorbells Left the Door Open for Hackers to Open the Door” –

A lot of inno comes from a personal need.

“But the initial Unix implementation was driven by Ken Thompson’s desire to make his ‘Space Game’ program run economically. He ported the game to a little-used PDP-7 computer and subsequently developed a shell and other utilities that comprised a self-supporting system allowing users to copy, print, edit, and delete files”

Fast dog


This device to suck trash out of the ocean


The biggest anti-American book many read outside US is Shibumi. IMO it is an indirect criticism of a certain brand of politics and time in US, overly pro-corp, even fascistic, cartel politics. The sort of stuff that many thought was buried decades ago, but the post Berlin Wall “euphoria” and the naivete of Clintons brought it back.

Stoller, Goliath

“Our world looks very different than it did in the mid-1970s, and not just because of technological advances. There’s a sameness to everything. In 1974, we often shopped at a local store. Today we live in a world dominated by chain stores, not just in the U.S., and in many cases with a sameness of experience in most major cities in the world.

Take a look around. You probably have a phone made by one of two companies. You likely bank at one of four giant banks, and fly on one of four big airlines. You connect with friends with either Facebook, WhatsApp, or Instagram, all of which are owned by one company. You get your internet through Comcast or AT&T. Data about your thoughts goes into a database owned by Google, what you buy into Amazon or Walmart, and what you owe into Experian or Equifax. You live in a world structured by concentrated corporate power.

This goes far beyond consumer brands. Our increasingly concentrated and corrupted medical system is literally killing us. As one analyst put it, “due to medical errors and other forms of harmful care, contact with the American health-care system is now the third leading cause of death in the United States.”. That’s 10 percent of all U.S. ​deaths. This too can be traced, in part, to monopolization. Because of a wave of mergers, 40 percent of hospital stays occur in markets where one entity controls all hospitals, and these hospitals, like all monopolies, no longer have a strong incentive to deliver quality care at a reasonable price. Instead, they sometimes over-treat, and kill, their patients”

Associating Johnson with Trump is a great idea for UK Labor. DJT is seen as crass capitalist in UK, it can work in Labor’s favor.

Dems acting like Reps messes up everything. Same goes in the other direction. There used to be a place for “econ-con” ppl in the GOP. Now they are uprooted, and they go over to Dems stinking up the place, even worse, imploring ppl in the DP to be more centrist just so they can fit in.

Medicare for Those Who Want It.. Haha.. Was that a Bootyjudge plan?

Medicare For Libertards

Medicare For Freedom

Medicare For Loaded People But Ashamed To Say So

Cant believe with uneven coverage, out-of-control costs, defenders of status-quo think they are the grown-ups in the room. Maybe they worry with private coverage being replaced by gov, they wont be able to get that million dollar insurance to helicopter in a doctor for common cold.

Sshhhh, but let’s not talk about that stuff, we’ll sell this issue using libertard overtones, choice, “freedom”, etc..

Rahm was formerly Chief of Staff in Bama WH, and before that Clint advisor.

And of course he is centrist twat, against M4A.

What happened to that f-ing project anyway?


I see - Rahm did not run for 3rd term for CH mayor, for reasons unknown (!), and the next mayor pulled the plug.

You got off easy Chicago - NY was not so lucky.

Scumbag and the retard


Bitch BEV ownership creating a scene. U have to be either grossly uninformed or a effin dit to support this shit.


Whole Foods parking lot EV charging wars #energytwitter wake up call. EV mass adoption plays out 2030-50s. We need solutions that scale 100s millions. Plug-in EV infrastructure will not scale. Hydrogen EVs station model does. Refueling beat recharging”


Yep - pointless. Regulate them out of the market. They can convert to H2 at the source, other than that, especially motherfrackers, should not exist.


It’s almost as if some folks think that designing climate policies to appeal to Republicans is an idea that emerged fully formed from their own brilliant brains five minutes ago, and not the model that has been attempted through cap-and-trade and carbon markets for two decades”

Mention of the Hyundai semi trailer by The Sun. 👍


Zero emission, zero noise, what’s not to like?”



Honestly my only academic goal is to become Edward Witten”

“One more lane will fix it “



Using stock buybacks to comp senior execs and directors is a plague.

Just went through MSFT numbers for past 3 FYs … 61% of buyback activity used to sterilize exercised stock options, worth 18.7 BILLION dollars to mgmt. That’s 14% of cashflow from operations”


Convergence of the sequence

z, z^z , z^z^z, …”


“@BESTmag_news @ESS_info secures 30M dollars in new funding as it accelerates towards its 1GWh iron flow battery technology goal— expansion requires an “extremely low capital costs to set up the manufacturing of battery modules compared to lithium-ion” say the firm”


Las Vegas ‘bans’ homeless from sleeping on the street. If caught violating ban, you get 1,000 dollar fine or six months prison? So obviously it would be prison for which taxpayers would have to pay @ 25,000 … 🤔 #math”


China is running a MASSIVE FISCAL DEFICIT as a % of GDP. They are simply running out of USD. With investment flows into China being curtailed, the US holds all of the cards in the negotiations to “reset” our relationship [..]”


Swisspower Working with Siemens on Developing Power-to-X Hydrogen Systems in Switzerland”


When was I radicalized?

When Boeing mgmt and directors pocketed 5.4 billion dollars in stock option exercise while building a crappy plane that they’ll never be punished for”

“Japan is building the world’s largest #hydrogen plant in #Fukushima as part of efforts to create a hydrogen-fueled society”
