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Tweets - Week 40

Lean theorem prover - I hear good things about it, more here

Tom Hales presentation on it was great. Codifying all math axioms, theorems in software.

Last thing I’d read on this topic was this.

Good Vice article.


“Ministers and delegates pledge to introduce 10 million fuel cell vehicles globally over 10 years at Japan conference”


DJT is under attack. Friends on the ropes - protests against Sisi, physical attack on Saudi Arabia, Israel’s future uncertain..

Don’t leave us Bernieee

Arteries represent joy, having fun (per Louise Hay). Bernie’s not having fun. Being challenger was more fun - now a lot of ppl are fighting him, even from the left.

Seriously - is this your defense. That break-up will bother ad people?

“But ad people were happy, they would learn Facebook, Google, and now they have to learn ad tools for FB1, FB2, Google 1, Google 2.. this is crazy!”

That’s not a problem. USG can mandate existing / new users will be shared among the two companies for a X years after break-up. Intra-company messaging between user 1 messaging from company A to user 2 on company B can be handled. They can build a bridge for that - easy, bunch of IT work - this is what these people do, shuffling shit around.

“How can you break up a social network? Dividing money is easy, but what about users? Half my friends will be here, half over there.. how does that work?”

Little break-up is a good thing.. it’ll do a body good. Microsoft should have been broken up in the 90s.

Everything around oil is rotten. Iran, Venezulla, Russia, Ukraine and the dealings around it, US motherfrackers, the whole shabang.


Just 10% of fossil fuel subsidy cash could pay for green transition. Just saying”

IMO funny names are universal.. in one class prof talked about a researcher named … Fukui.

Fukui. That’s a funny f–ing name.. Everyone laughed, mostly international students too.


This is one huge spaghetti of conclusions, spurious correlation, weird cause-effect.

First of all if we abolish grades, opt for self-directed courses, all students will get an A from the course (meaning they will pass, they will remain in the subject until they pass).

Now, in the existing crap system, why do average students remember more than good students? We can speculate, if these so-called average students remember more, it probably means they were more interested in the course.

But that, in a way, was their undoing. They became curious about stuff, got off track somewhat, maybe, became annoyed when they built gaps in their knowledge, and did poorly in the course as a result. But later, they remembered more. This is not about “breaking eggs” as is suggested by the article, but about the poorness of content (which revolves around a “teacher” “teaching” to the whole class, in sync), where kids cannot freely consult other sources without losing time on the freight train that is the course.

“All other factors being equal, when you test how well students have mastered course material some months or even years after the course has ended, students who do well in courses, getting mostly A’s on assignments and exams, tend to perform worse than students who struggled and got more mediocre grades at the time.

Yes, you read that correctly, the struggling students tend to do better than the seemingly “good” students, when you see how much they remember, and how well they can perform, months or even years later”


Owwww… Tottenham 2 Bayern 7.

Bayern is the 800 pound gorilla. They beat everyone in their home country, they, like, even finish the league early.

I’d rather approximate the function analytically, and be able to calculate a value at any point. Then you don’t need to compute in a finer grid for better results. Derivatives on this analytic function can be computed through autograd.

Preparing function values at grid points is so 2010.

Volkswagen.. the same VW of the cheating scandal isn’t it? It’s funny “certain kinds of people” keep ending up in the same column.

Down… Down.. Down…


Dude. Holy shit.

Sanders raises $25.3 million .. in third quarter - Reuters

No shit.

“Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) believes battery power is not the best solution for its largest SUV models as the carmaker moves towards its zero-emission future”


Don’t get too happy on Ukrainegate.. Remember Kosovo? Some say it was a “just war”, but it was also during another impeachement.

“Senior Twitter Executive Exposed As British Psy-Ops Soldier”

Hydrogen can clean up steel. It can power cars, heat up homes. Ammonia (created from H2) is a fertilizer, and it is good for refrigration. What else is there? Why the f–k are we looking elsewhere? This is a done deal.

Ammonia/CO2/Glycol System Saves Belgian Store Up To 42% on Energy Bill [for Refrigration]



Next rate cut comes from #Australia! Record low of 0,75% to prevent the gigantic real estate bubble to burst”


Lord Willets: “The Churchillian heroism of Dunkirk is not the same as the circumstances we see today.

For Britain to stand alone surrounded by enemies was heroic.

For Britain to stand alone today surrounded by friends is absurd”

Our destiny is at the heart of Europe”


This is Mu Chiang, an NHS doctor in Liverpool. @ukhomeoffice are threatening to deport her in 10 days due to an admin error on her visa application”


Tigger got busted by cops for harvesting marijuana, his defense was ‘I planted corn, weed came out’. Little TR farmer humor for you.


“In the 1971 Woody Allen film Bananas a fellow employee asks Allen’s character, ‘What would you have been if you finished school?’ Allen’s character answers, ‘I was in the black studies program. By now I could have been black’”

“China’s anti-ship hypersonic missiles have a more significant purpose. China regards the seas to its east as essential to its national security, and the presence of the U.S. Navy in those waters is a threat the Chinese can’t ignore. But China can’t drive the U.S. farther east with conventional weapons, since U.S. defensive systems would be able to withstand any Chinese attack and a U.S. retaliation would be harsh. But the mere existence of hypersonic weapons that U.S. defenses could not block would force the fleet to go farther east and out of range.

But the Chinese missiles have a crucial weakness. That weakness is knowing the rough location of the targeted vessel. Even if the missile had a terminal guidance system and could maneuver at extremely high speeds and temperatures, it would need detailed information on location. Conventional Chinese reconnaissance aircraft would have difficulty surviving inside the U.S. air defense envelope. Unmanned aerial vehicles would also have difficulty surviving and would be subject to electronic warfare interfering with its transmissions to the missile’s base or spoofing its signal. In such an attack, the probability of success must be much higher than UAVs can likely provide.

The attacker, therefore, must rely on satellite surveillance…”


3D printing with laser.


K. Aronoff.. full of bile. I like it.


Haha.. Guy did a research tracking Jim Cramer’s stock recommendations, it turns out simple SP&500 index beats Cramer.


Molybdenum-phosphide eh? Works on seawater!

#CRYOShipping focusing on #hydrogen - the Norwegian company has secured government funding to develop hydrogen as a bunker fuel



“The emissions from 15 of the mega-ships match those from all the cars in the world.

And if the shipping industry were a country, it would be ranked between Germany and Japan as the sixth-largest contributor to global CO2 emissions”


“It seems likely that it was soon after the takeover of Spain that the pagan Vandals converted to Christianity. It also seems likely that the missionaries who converted them were Goths. Arian [different from Aryan] Christians and proud of it …

Roman Catholicism was certainly popular among the Roman governing classes in the West, but it wasn’t so obviously the Christianity of choice of ordinary people. Even Ambrose, the charismatic bishop of Milan, complained of the decline in people coming to take communion there. He said the same thing was happening in the East, but that’s not too surprising given the fact that Catholicism was imposed from above on an Arian population there…

There may well have been a whiff of popular discontent in people’s reluctance to attend Catholic churches, possibly connected with the incorporation of Jesus into the imperial power structure. The Catholic Church emphasized not his human incarnation but his transcendent magisterial authority, his right to judge the living and the dead and to determine their fate for all eternity. Basically, the terrible power of Roman authority was presented as being derived from the even more terrible power of Jesus, a looming supreme God painted on the apse ceiling over the altar where his blood was to be drunk and his body eaten.

The Arian Church seems to have been much more popular. Their Jesus was not the same as the all-powerful God; he was rather less threatening, and wasn’t identified with the state” – Terry Jones’ Barbarians

2017.. Hariri was “summoned” to SA, slapped around a little, made to resign on TV? That did not stick.. Qatar blockade - didn’t work.. The shake-up..? Women can drive at the expense of women right activists? I am still pro EG-SA-Isr-US-alliance, but this stuff is ugly. ME countries need to “uncomplicate” reforms. Either do it, or don’t.


Hyundai not sitting on the fence. Buys out Chinese [joint venture] holder to start building FCEVs in China. This follows Toyota ambitions. EU car makers are so far behind”

Lessons in modeling for optimization - remain in analytical realm for as long as possible. Where and when to discretize matters.

Fall is the new summer.

No it won’t… What is this, Alice in Wonderland? If gov did not force AT&T to share its intellectual property with other US companies during 50s, there would not be a vibrant electronics market today. I’ll jive off the hammer/nail analogy, just because we have a hammer does not magically hit on every nail when we need to. We need to point the hammer toward the nail - capitalism being the hammer.

(Also not every problem is a nail)

“But capitalism will fix every problem”

No that was a trend. Talked about it before.

“Being ‘out of the ordinary’ started with Trump”

My first English teacher was an Australian, that’s why… Mrs. M was a great lady. She looked like a dark haired Angela Merkel, and had a glass eye. We all speculated it was bcz of a shark attack.

“Why do you spell color as colour? Do you speaka Americanese?”

The Solid Doctor - Bye Bye #music


Do you want TP? For the bunghole?

I had pondered what’d be the best way to spring this Biden thing; I have to say among the many possibilities, this is the best. People are mostly uniformed on the minutea of politics, but this news will intrigue them, because the Biden story is the “story behind the story”, the secondary conclusion if you will, with a little digging they will feel like they “discovered” it.

But the key thing is everyone is now talking about Bidens and Ukraine. Then they will talk about Bidens and China… On it goes.. All this is pulling attention to the smoke, ppl will soon find the fire (Biden corruption).


In this interview, @jaketapper pushes back as Rep. Jim Jordan pushes continued misleading and false accusations about the Bidens and Ukraine”

Ian Bremmer: “Biden Does Have A Problem,” Hunter Biden Was Paid “Clearly To Be Selling Influence”


Ubuntu FTW



Michelin: The Development of Hydrogen is Accelerating–With 80% of France’s hydrogen sector players located in its territory, the region has committed to #hydrogen alongside @Michelin and @ENGIEgroup”


Too good.

“MSNBC once had another respected billionaire, Harvey Weinstein, on to call Bernie a sexist”


Was that racist?

Get it? Because he is black..? wahahaha.

He is literally protesting against himself.


Today we marched for our planet, for our kids, and for their future”


German public opinion was pro-immigration before Syrian refugees, now against it. Public op is fickle, this should not be a surprise because they dont know much. They elect the politician for the long term, so pols should act for that long-term too. It makes sense electorally to prepare for that distant vote. If DE politician went with public op on immigration then, they would be paying the price for it now.

Act the speed of your institution. Forget this socmed bullshit.

I wonder if Eng royalty resigned themselves to being royals of little England as long as they remain in their little palaces. Because Brexit will result in exactly that. Time to abolish?

The Trump train is a never-ending comedy routine. If you are on the right side of it.

Hey, at least there is more diversity.


Let’s not let this get lost in this crazy week of news: Trump appointed a former Monsanto staffer to head the US Fish and Wildlife Service”


As governments ramp up efforts to counter online extremism, we remind them that quick “solutions” all too often lead to censorship”

A bread afficiando here. Absolutely love the shit. So camping superfood needs to contain it. Latest formula chestnuts, dried plums, dried bread (sold in stores), mix and blend.

“Japan, which is seeking to promote the development of hydrogen energy worldwide, said on Wednesday that it had received support from 30 countries for a plan to set up 10,000 hydrogen refuelling stations worldwide within 10 years”



Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Uranium investing! 😶


Unfortunately much of “futurism” is co-opted by rabid free-marketers - libertards, centrists, goldcucks, even right-wingers. Toffler’s futurism was about outlining the evolution of tech and pointing to downsides of that tech and the need for a new social contract. Most of that analysis fell on deaf ears. It feels odd telling Americans about this stuff - Toff is not my jigger. He is yours.

Maybe this is why caps always talk abt these “futuristic” solutions for every problem, like Dalio, the “spaz billionaire”, says “education will fix poverty”.

Education is completely about the future. It won’t create any “returns” before 10, 20 years.

Poverty, lack of healthcare is in the now. You have to focus on the now for these kinds of problems.

Much of capitalism is abt future; credit is all abt future. He was negative, but came back from it, probably wout much loss in quality of life.

Haha.. While near bankruptcy Trump sees homeless guy tells daughter “see that man, he is 8 million richer than me”. Cuz the homeless guy is zero, and he is millions in debt? so negative? That’s funny.


Sign of late-stage capitalism must be homelessness among billionaires. And boulders on sidewalks.

“Some neighbors pooled together $2000 to dump 24 boulders into the sidewalk as a form of “anti-homeless decoration”… That’s money they could used to help people. Instead they tried to hide problems the city’s problems from just their block. It didn’t even work though. The rocks placement is barbaric and make walking more difficult for everyone”


I did not know so much revolved around a horse’s ass. Fascinating thread.

“So the next time you are handed a specification / procedure / process and wonder ‘What horse’s ass came up with this?’, you may be exactly right”


“Bitcoin did not ask for national regulatory approvals before spreading globally.

In the same way, the Lot49 protocol can operate at a global scale without first needing to negotiate the antiquated telecom regulations of every country in the world”


“80 billion mobile messages are sent each day via carriers and ISPs. Mobile mesh networks offer an anti-fragile, decentralized alternative that can extend connectivity to places centralized networks can’t”


Royalty watching (or the modern version celeb watching) is solidly 1st wave. Land-owning, agro, mafia, mafia shaking down farmers -> royalty. Eng royalty is labeled as “landed gentry”. The peasant (with small land) is always fascinated by ağa (bigger land). Game of Thrones builds on similar kind of fascination. Some repugnant shit.

I wish your readers well, don’t die a terrible death, and don’t break a leg. Don’t go eff yourself, ever.


Car with 110-120 of available range could not finish a pursuit nor a 70-90 mile shift bcz of 10 minutes of high speeds. This is inferior tech. Noone should touch it with a ten-foot pole.

“Fremont Police Tesla Near-Dead Battery Forces Officer Off Pursuit”


The exiled Chi bizman Guo says the same thing.. so strange. But apparently their finance arm is legit?

Oh it’s comin

🌊 🌊 🌊

Yang has momentum, how about others? Where are the young generation of Dems? Centrism wiped out an entire generation of Democrats, the only ones with any oomph are the ones who’ve been around for a while, even for centrists, sadly (they are getting Bama’s VP but with working class bent). This is very sad to see. I can’t see a single youngster with credibility - Boot-Edge-Edge? Booker? With their spick-and-span, clean-cut, good student, mama’s boy demenour? #sad

Indian mission to the Moon was mostly a success. The orbiter is still there, and doing its work. Only the lander failed, at the last second of landing.



That’s awesome. Sending a helicopter to Titan.


Since 2017, we started to see a switch from demonstration to commercial. 12 bus manufacturers are now producing #fuelcell buses for the European market.” says Ben Madden, Element Energy

Geiseric, the Vandal ruler who sacked Rome was Arian Christian. In this sect Jesus is not God, but a human, a messenger. Catholic Rome turned Jesus into God, so the emperor could associate himself with him, and become God. Vandals (whose name is forever associated with untoward acts to cities due to Roman propaganda) were chased away by the empire, but they survived, flourished in Carthege, and later mobilized and sacked Rome. This is another instance where the battle between Christianity and faux Christianity played a role, contributing to the collapse of a mafia-state.

Let’s do this



The Conservative government shut down parliament illegally for over two weeks and then had the nerve to ask it to shut itself down for another week so that they could have their rotten conference in peace. It seems parliament turned down the request”

That doesn’t indicate shit. Quite the opposite, implicit in the fact the government triggered the referendum communicated to the people that they thought it was doable. This was false. Gov thought no such thing. Why trigger the referandum then? Cameron, in a moment of weakness, miscalculation did it to silence the EU skeptics. I wrote abt the rest here.

“The public voted for Brexit that must surely indicate it was doable”

Fila Brazillia - The Bugs Will Bite #music



Johnson’s ‘bull in china shop’ act & the hysterical screeching of the far-right foreign-owned newspapers are signs of panic. They are cornered rats. Their precioussss tax-avoiding Brexit dream is in danger. Keep opposing: reason & right are on Remain’s side”


The HK exchange bid for the LSE is rooted in the fact that the LSE owns FTSE indicies. Chinese bonds aren’t currently in the FTSE. The crafty Chinese are thinking that a $39 billion bid for the exchange can net them $200 billion in capital flows once they force inclusion #china”