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The Mad World of Mad Men

More On Avatar


On Avatar

Star Trek Politics

iPad Decision Chart

Up in the Air

24 - II


De Vany on Econtalk

De Vany, Exercise, Diet


How To Print From An iPad

New Institutionalists?

Ravitch on Education


Lost: The End

Shia Agassi TED Talk

Smallville Season 9 Finale


Brian Cox on why we need explorers


Decentralized knowledge, centralized power

Encouraging/Discouraging words from President Obama

Mad Men Is Really About Women

The A-Team

Another Sacrifice Lamb

Covering the Distance

The Godfather

Religion and Scifi

Sad But True..

Thanks “Gods”: Galactica Prequel Caprica is Canceled

We Are On Facebook

Ants in a Death Spiral


Charter Cities

The Chinese Method

Educating Neanderthals

Every Man For Himself

I Support Quantitative Easing

Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work

The Joy of Stats

Mathematics Is Smarter Than I Am

Modernity and Individualism

The More Information, the Better

My Thoughts Exactly

Next 40 Years

No Need for Bruce Willis

No Worse than a White Man

Obama’s Loss

Postmodern Institutions

Quantitative Easing Explained

Rand Paul


The Social Network

Wall Street: Again

Working outside of Work

Bureucracies ..

Burn Baby, Burn

DoS Attack on Wikileaks

Esoteric Knowledge


F.cking Modernity.. Slowly..

The French Paradox

Gays in Military

Go Easy on Davutoglu

King Abdullah’s Fear

Least Energy States

A New Code

Now Ain’t That Ironic?

Single Currency?


Wikileaks and the Long Haul - 2

Wikileaks and the Long Haul - 3

Wikileaks and the Long Haul

Wikileaks’ Cablegate: the truth is out there