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Aaron Schwartz on SOPA


It Is A Great Thing

Mathematicians aim to take publishers out of publishing




Race Against the Machine

Reality Check

Research and Industry

Best Twitter Conversation Ever


The Empire Strikes Back

The Rise of the Sharing Economy

Which Future?

As California Goes?


Citizen Soldiers


Nations and Nationalism, Culture, Narratives

Open Access Legislation

Not Cool


Startup Sovereigns


What’s In A Notebook?

Your Massively Open Offline College Is Broken

Code Your Business And .. Education

Conservative Artisan

Entire library journal editorial board resigns

Has the ideas machine broken down?

It’s the Sugar, Folks

Narcissist Leninist

Nations and Nationalism

Putting a Value to ‘Real’ in Medical Research

Queen, Country and Fish&Chips

Rise of the Info-States

South African Boy Gets Robotic Hand Made With 3-D Printer

The Center in Disarray

The Megastate


When Teachers Go Viral

Civic Coding

Concrete as a Service



The ‘Busy’ Trap

The New Star Wars

3-D Printed Ear Made From Calf Cells and Nanoparticles ‘Hears’ Radio Frequencies

A new goldmine


Bloomberg Best (and Worst)

Class Of 2013 Student Debt Reaches New Heights

Do the Massacres in Bayda and Banyas Portend Ethnic Cleansing to Create an Alawite State?

Elsevier is still not getting it

How to escape education’s death valley


Patent Trolls

Centrifugal Effect

Replicators? 3D printers for food

Reproducible Science

Review of “Who Owns the Future?” By Jaron Lanier

The Declassification Engine

Alexander I

Are Cats Spies Sent by Aliens?

CCTV police officer ‘chased himself’ after being mistaken for a burglar



Elite journals are losing their position of privilege


George W Obama

#haha #again




Slammed by Sony

Trailer Looks Good

New Facebook privacy settings

As If It Happened Yesterday

Bottom Up Economy

By Golly

Choosing Wrong

Disappearing Promises

Douglas Engelbart

Emerging market growth story

EU To The Rescue

Export orders boom for service sector firms

Finding Gold in Data

Flipped Classroom Certification

Global E-mail Patterns Reveal “Clash of Civilizations”

How to motivate your team

Human-Powered Helicopter

I Think We Are

Installing Minority Regimes

Iron Man Can Sing


Scientific American Climate Article - With iPython Notebook

Sharks With Friggin Lasers on their Heads

Sisi Was a Sissy

Startup Rising

Strength and a Weakness

The Seven Lesson Schoolteacher


Trouble in Paradise



GDP 2.0


Damon Saz

Did Assad Do it?

Dispatch From The Future: Uber To Purchase 2,500 Driverless Cars From Google


Great Picture

It’s Not Just About Connecting

Landis on Chemical Weapons and Syria

Money, Money, Money

Operational Decisions Matter

Phase Transition

Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely.

Hindsight Visionary

Tablets in Wonchi

Tech Companies and MBTI

The Cost of PRISM

Tor usage doubles in under a week, and no one knows why


After Vowing Greater Transparency, Obama Admin Increasingly Censoring, Withholding Info from Public

CIA begins arming Syrian rebels

Commentator Tovarich


Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito

Google’s Boss and a Princeton Professor Agree: College Is a Dinosaur

How Do I Learn?



Patriot Act author says NSA’s bulk data collection is “unbounded in its scope”

Phase Shift: Open Source


Putin Profile



Salvation by Society

School is a prison — and damaging our kids

Forget the new iPhone, Phonebloks

Student Debt Is Making All Your Life Choices Worse

Taking Back the Internet

The End Is Nigh

What is Legitimacy?

When It Is Not Your Turn to Die

Who Failed?



Doing It





In New Poll, Americans Blame Everyone for Government Shutdown

Mangled IT Projects: The Status Quo For Federal IT



Report: NSA Spied on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month

Robot Baristas


Technology is not an Externality

The Last of the Sheiks?

The One?

The Peters Map


An Accident to be Corrected: Mass Media


China prepares to liberalise finance

Frame 313



Innovation Imperative


More Predictioneers


100 Years Ago

All Hail China



Cost Gravity

Elsevier Madness

Futurism and Digital Currencies

#hail the #fail

I Haz Internet Vision

Iain M. Banks

In Coins We Trust

Innovation, Tech, Labs



Inventions of the Kebabic Kind

Knowledge Workers, the New Capitalists

Matlab Is Losing

Russia vs Europe

