View on GitHub



Another Lost Wannabe Bites the Dust

Blair / Hitchens Debate

Bloodshed and the Roman Empire

Chris Tucker on Black President

Davutoglu likes Sinanoglu

Do schools kill creativity?

Dont Worry

How SMS Swung An Election

In Between Two Waves

Interesting Ad

Jon Stewart Stand-up

Movie created using a Game

Obama Impression

Our institutions are limited by pre-digital technology

You Are How You Work

400 Hundred Years in a Convent, 50 Years in Hollywood

After Mubarak

Bureucracy - Part I

Bureucracy - Part II


Conservatives for Liberty

Google Map of Protests

World’s Laziest Teacher

Great stagnation or external growth?

The Great Stagnation


It May Be a Sputnik Moment, but Science Fairs Are Lagging

Middle East after Hosni Mubarak: impact of a revolution


Nokia’s Suicide Note

Non-Democratic History

Not Enough

Oh Yeah

The Reagan Revolution

The Sad State of Journalism

Scholarly-Industrial Complex


Sputnik Moment

Sudburry Valley

Take That Kill-Switch and Shove It Up Your Ass

Viewpoint: Too early to celebrate in Egypt?

The Big Society


Chavez says capitalism may have ended life on Mars

M-m-m-my Civilization



France and Libya

The Fundamentals of Industrial Ideologies: Centralization

The Fundamentals of Industrial Ideologies: Concentration

The Fundamentals of Industrial Ideologies: Maximization

The Fundamentals of Industrial Ideologies: Specialization

The Fundamentals of Industrial Ideologies: Standardization

The Fundamentals of Industrial Ideologies: Synchronization

Futurism Howto

The Integrators

Jon Stuart Mill on Education

Khanacademy on TED

The King’s Speech

Know the biases of your operating system

No-Fly Zone


Rap Song

Rule of Law

Zenga Zenga


Einstein and Eddington

Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two

The Fundamentals of Industrial Ideologies

General Zod


Kevin Kelly

Myers-Briggs Test

The New Normal

Newspapers: Your Doom is Nigh

Peter Lawrence Reflects on the Nature of Scientific Research

Post-Academic Manifesto

Reform the PhD system or close it down

Shortage of Artists

Smooth Reassurance

Will and Kate

$25 Computer

Abandon lectures: increase attendance, attitudes and attainment

At the touch of a hyperlink

The Burgeois Theory

China In The Plex

Institutional Decay Will Continue

Free Science

Girl ‘murdered’ by Roman soldiers in north Kent

Good Stuff

In The Plex

Jeff Bezos and Nuclear Fusion

Mathematics and the Computer

More Data Is Better Than None

Osama bin Laden Dead

The service elevator

The Sharing Economy

Support Network


Was Dubya SJ or SP?

Worst ever carbon emissions leave climate on the brink



Analytical Shortcuts

China’s Cell Phone Pirates Are Bringing Down Middle Eastern Governments


Future of Work

How To Party Your Way Into a Multi-Million Dollar Facebook Job

The Inheritance of Rome

Martin JetPack

MIT Weirdness

Ninety gaffes in ninety years

No joke: This is the biggest battery breakthrough ever

Noise Cancelling

On the last gap

Ritualistic Science

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors

Wii U

Wireless Local Apps for Bookstores

Sane in the Membrane

17 Layers



Bits in Japan

Counter Game

Debt Ceiling



Github for Science


How Things Change


Learn More Math

The Man From Earth

Mathematics for the Moon

More on Aaron Swartz

More Regulation?



Rome Killed Jesus

Sadly He Did Not Succeed

The Shuttle

Too Cool for School

Twitter Hashtags

What Is Wrong With Scientific Publishing

The Wrath Against Khan


The Annotated Toffler



The Calculus of Grit

Counterintuitive Trick

The Da Vinci Code

The Death of the American Dream

Different “In”

The Diminished President

I Wish It Was That Simple

Immediate Cut, Over a 10 Year Period

Kto Kogo


Living in a Factory


Math and Applications

New Plan?

On Nomadism


P or J

The Patent Pledge


Shuttleworth on Patents

Stanford Class

Taking A Stand

Things Are Getting Out Of Hand

Why Riot?

America’s Non-Grand Strategy

Are jobs obsolete?

Asynchronized Education

Germany and US

The importance of stupidity in scientific research

The End of Work

Judgement by the People

Israel’s Bluff

The Lottery

Passing Fiat Cash Grenade


Scaling Quality

Speed of Light Beaten

1K $ / Person

Ad Campaigns Are Dead

Apple Store SF

Are Professors Obsolete?


Dennis Ritchie

Don’t Become A Scientist

Efficiency Is Killing Our Jobs

The forever recession (and the coming revolution)

How long will America last?

More on Leaders

More on Pairings

PhD, Graduate Studies

Project Selection

The Role Of Memory In Theory

Stallman on Jobs

Tablet Based Halloween Costume

Rewind patent laws to fast-forward innovation

UNESCO votes to admit Palestine; U.S. cuts off funding

Why arent we getting rich?


Codes, Axel Boldt Article

Common Crawl

Copyright isn’t working, says European Commission

Credit Theory of Money

Data “Scientists”

Debt, Religions, Money

Demotivational Poster

Difference Engine: Luddite legacy

Continuous Rules




The Islamic Wall

Kyle Bass

Little Brother

The Logistic Equation

Mass Consumption

More on Empires

More Rifkin

Outsourcing the job of muzzling the media

Pre digital


Statistical Insignificance


The Tweaker


Working Hours


The Bizarro World of Journal Publishers


Creeping Fascism

Death Knell for the Lecture

Doctor Who

Dr. No Money

Harvard Entrance Exam 1899

How Many Computers?

Kim Jong Il’s Economic Legacy

Lessons from Hamilton

More on the Logistic Equation

More on SP Leaders

Perverse Incentives in Academia

Response: My Thoughts on Codecademy

Socrates and C-3P0

Three Manifestations

